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Lost Memories

Kellan's POV

Bright lights, the smell of medicine and an annoying beeping sound coming from my left is what I woke up to. I had to squint my eyes for the longest time it seemed just to get them used to the bright ass light above me before I was able to finally open them without any trouble. I took in my surroundings and deducted that I was in a hospital, the medical equipment and bed a dead give away, along with the hospital gown I saw when I lifted the thin sheet they had covered me with. There were no people in the room and I began to wonder if maybe this was going to turn into some kind of movie scene - I've just woken up in a post apocalyptic world and I'm one of the few living people in the world.

I giggle at the thought. It would be scary if that was the case but also cool in a way, I suppose. I mean, who hasn't dreamed about being in that type of situation and being a kickass lead character? I know I have, at least I think I have. I can't really recall if I have or not, but I'm sure that I have. I decide that I'm going to go back to sleep and am turning around in my very uncomfortable hospital bed when I here the door to my room open.

I quickly turn around, hissing at the soreness in my body and watch as an older man dressed in the clothes a doctor would wear walks in. He seems a bit surprised that I'm awake but overall pleased, coming to stand next to my bed as he flips through some papers clipped to a board. I sit up carefully, minding the soreness I'd just felt when I'd turned over, and smile at the doctor.

"Hello, how are you feeling today?" He asks nicely with a small smile. He seems to be around his early or mid fifties and has a nicely aged face, looks very kind It's calming, I'm not overly worried about why I'm in this hospital bed because I know that if this is my doctor he helped me in any way that he could and made me better.

"Uh, I guess I'm feeling good, a bit sore. I'm curious as to why I'm here though, I can't... I can't seem to really remember to be honest." My voice trails off quietly as I make this statement, realizing that I actually don't remember a thing about why I'm here and now that I think about it.. "Doctor... Can you tell me something real quick?" I ask softly, taking a deep breath as I watch him nod his head slowly. He notices the change in my tone and probably my expression as well and takes a seat in the chair beside my bed.

"What's my name?"

A/N: Ayeeee! Yes, I took down Unconditional Love, it was a bit of a mess and I wanted to do this one first because I feel like I have a better picture of how I want this story to be, simply because it's an oldie of mine that I took from my Fiction Press. I'm very excited to see where this little baby goes, I've had this idea stuck in my head since I first started writing it in 2015, lol. Let me know what y'all think, okay? Thanks!

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