Part 1

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[A/N]: I wrote this back in 2013, when I was in a different mindset and my writing was subpar. 

Hey guys!! I have been OBSESSED with Fall Out Boy lately, and came up with this idea. Hope you like it. <3.

Jenna's POV:

Fog. That's all I could see outside my bedroom Window. It comfort me. It gave an ominous feeling of mystery and wonder in my mind. It made days like today manageable.

"Jenna." Someone knocked on the door. It was my foster mother Ms. Lilian.


"Just wanted to see if you were ready."

"Almost." I put on a fake smile.

"Well hurry up dear, Concert starts at 8." Her Light brown hair made her look older than she was.

I nodded as she left the room.

I'd be better off staying here. I thought.

I walked into the bathroom, which I shared with the other girls in the house, and showered up. I put on black skinny jeans, black boots, a red knitted hat, and a white t-shirt that had the Japanese flag in the middle. I brushed her long jet black hair, that made her brown eyes look darker.

"Oh look, the average 15-year-old American teen. Yay me." I mumbled.

I put on the thick blue bracelet with Japanese writing on them. It was the only thing I've ever had of my old life in Japan. I was put into the system at age 2, and was bounced from foster care to foster care in Japan and America. I finally ended up in Ms. Lillian's care two months ago, in Chicago. So far, I hated it here. Not just because of the cold weather, but the kids I lived with. I'm always bullied everyday by the older kid, Justin, who liked to call me his little "Geisha" to flirt with me. When I say no, he would hit me just for fun. Today, me and the rest of the kids were going to a small concert in town. Which I hate. Being in crowds was never my thing, and all I want to do was stay in.

"Jenna, c'mon we're running late." Ms. Lilian shouted.

I grabbed my tote bag, and headed downstairs.

"Lets get this over with." I groaned.


The Hardies' bar and Grill was one of the most popular place in town to perform, and be noticed by big music labels. Ms. Lilian took kids 13 and up to see bands come back to the stage. The fog had lifted a little, making the Chicago city lights brighter. The 7 of us sat at a booth near the bar and ordered our food.

"Place is more cramped than usual." Marlene shouted.

"Yeah, its a homecoming for some of the biggest bands out there." Ms. Lilian smiled.

"Its alot of people." I felt trapped with everyone around.

Justin grinned at me.

"Hey Geisha, why don't you get me a refill?"

"You have legs, why don't you get it yourself." I snapped.

"Jenna!" Ms. Lilian glared.

"I have to go to the bathroom first." I rushed out the booth, and ran into the stall.

Pull it together Jenna. I thought. Just a couple of hours. Jenna breathed in, and swung open the door. She moved so fast, she almost bumped into a man.

"Sorry." I didn't look straight at him.

"Its alright, just having one of those days." he joked.

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