20: I'll give you a massage ;)

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Justin's POV

"Knock knock!" I heard Selena's adorable voice say outside the door.

"Who's there?" I tease her.

"Justin let me in or you're not getting a massage!" Selena taunts.

I open the door right away because, I mean, I'm not missing an opportunity to receive a massage from Selena.

"Bout time you answer, I was freezing out there." Selena pouts as I laugh.

"Sorry baby girl." I coo at her.

Selena and I start kissing and I can't help but smile.

"Quit smiling you dork!" She laughs.

"Sorry, I just love you!"

"Your so cute!" She smiles.

"Are you going to say a love you too?"

"Nah, I'm good!" Selena tries to be serious.

"You're good? You sure about that?" I smirk.


"Well looks like I'm going to have to.....TICKLE YOU!" I scream as I start tickling Selena's sides.

"JUSTIN STO-OP!" Selena laughs hysterically.

"Not until you say, Justin Bieber is the hottest person on Earth and I love him!"


"Aw thank you princess you're so sweet!" I tease her.

"Justin stop or I'm not going to give you a massage." Selena threatens, still laughing a little.

"I'm sorry baby, can I please have a massage though?" I ask sweetly.

"Sure, now come lay on the couch and put your feet on my lap."

I walk over to the couch and put my feet on Selena's lap like she tells me to. She pulled off my black and white Nike socks and began to rub my sweaty feet. She's rubbing her hands on the soles of my feet and it feels so good that I can't help but let out a moan.

"Mhmm, baby that feels so good..."

"I glad you like it, but your feet are sweaty and they smell bad." She makes a disgusted face as I laugh at her cuteness.

"You love my sweaty feet babe." I smirk while I began to put my foot up to her nose.

"Ew Justin, keep your smelly feet away from my face you werido!" Selena pouts.

"NO, SMELL MY SWEATY FEET BABE!" I laugh forcing her to smell my feet.

"Stop or I'm done giving you a massage." She says sternly.

"I'll stop." I say chuckling a bit.

Selena continues massaging my feet as I get a better idea in mind.

"Babe something else of me needs to be rubbed." I smirk.

"What?" She asks.

"Jerry....." I continue smirking.

"Such a dirty boy." Selena laughs as she gets on my lap.

"Mhmm..." I moan as Selena starts to rub me.

"I may have to punish you tonight." Selena whispers seductively in my ear.

"Yesss please do." I beg her feeling my boner.

Just as Selena was about to grab jerry she stood up leaving me hanging.

"Well to bad!" She laughs.

"Selena! Baby no! You can't do this to me." I say pointing to my full on boner.

"I'll get you back later." I smirk.

I stand up from the couch and I slap her butt causing her to gasp.

"Justin keep your hands to yourself." Selena laughs.

"I mean I could but why would I want to!" I wink.


Hey guys sorry for the slow updates. I promise I'll try to update more! I honestly love this chapter though, I had a fun time writing this!

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