23: Same old Heartbreaker Part 2

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Justin's POV

"What the HELL are you doing in my house!" Brian's loud voice filled the air.

"Selena invited me sir..." I said looking at my shoes.

"I don't care if Selena invited you, I told you to stay away from her!"

"That's impossible sir." I say still looking at my shoes.

"LOOK AT ME WHEN I'M TALKING TO YOU BOY!" I instantly have my eyes meet Brian's.

"Sorry sir."

"Selena get over here NOW!" Brian yelled to his step-daughter.

"Hi Justin!" Selena said with a smile.

"Hey Sel!" I returned the smile.

Just as I was getting lost in Selena's eyes, I heard a awkward cough from Brian.

"Care to explain to me what's going on?" Brian questioned his step-daughter.

"I invited him over for dinner..." Selena said.

"And why's that!" Brian asked.

"Because we're dating..." Selena mumbled under her breath.

"What's that I don't think I heard you right! Did you say you two are dating!" Brian said getting angry.


"Yes what!?" Brian asked.

"Yes we're dating!" Selena said getting tired of listening to her step-father.

"I'm going to go get Mandy." Brian mumbled.

Brian left leaving Selena and I outside the door.

"You can come in." Selena said.

"You sure that's a good idea?" I questioned getting nervous.

"Yes, he just needs to calm down. Plus, I'm pretty sure Gracie wants to meet you." Selena chuckled.



Selena and I were playing with Gracie because Selena's parents weren't back yet. Selena's grandparents called to say that they wouldn't make it because of bad weather.

"Gracie can you say Justin!?" Selena asked her 5 year old sister.

"Juw-ton!" Gracie pronounced weirdly.

"Juw-ton can I call you Jay-Jay?" Gracie asked adorably.

"Of coarse princess!" I said as I kissed Gracie's nose.

"I love you Jay-Jay!" Gracie said making me and Selena both sigh in aw.

I heard footsteps coming down from the stairs and there stood Mandy and Brian.

"Selena may we talk to you....alone." Mandy said trying to not look me in the eyes.

Selena's POV

I got up and walked with my mom and Brian to my mom's office. I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous.

"Selena why on Earth are you dating that heartbreaker!" my mom snapped.

"I thought you liked him mom?" I said.

"I used  to, until he broke your heart a million times.

"He's a different person now mom." I said trying to convince my mother. Or was I just trying to convince myself? Selena stop Justin loves you he wouldn't hurt you! Or would he?

"Are you sure of that?"

"Yes I'm sure of it." I say. Or am I sure of it?

"Alright you can date him." my mom says.

"Wait, were you seriously not going to let me date Justin!" I say getting angry.

"Well...." my mom says.


"I know sweetie, I just don't want to see you get hurt." my mother smiles at me.

"He wont hurt me mother." I say smiling. Or will he hurt me?


Dinner was going great! Well except the awkwardness between my mom, Brian, and Justin. Gracie was sitting on Justin's lap, they seemed to grow very fond of each other. I was trying to start conversation, but it never went anywhere. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and I see that I have a message from Taylor.

Taylor: Hey want to meet up tomorrow?

Selena: I don't know I'm still kind of mad at you for the whole 'Roasting Justin' thing.

Taylor: Please Sel I'm sorry and I miss you :(

Selena: Ok be at my house around 10

Taylor: Ok

I feel like this is a bad idea!

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