56: Ready?

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Texts between Justin and Selena

Justin: Hey are you packed?

Selena: Yes

Justin: Are you excited? Cause I am!!!

Selena: Why wouldn't I be excited to wake up and see you every day?😒😞

Justin: You know you love me!😉😏😘

Selena: Your emoji's are freaky me out.

Justin: Sorry I'm so excited though😘👅🍑🍆

Selena: I hate you so much😂

Justin: Lying isn't good Selena.

Selena: I'm leaving my house right now, I'll be at your house soon😒

Justin: Sweet! I can't wait🤓

Selena: You're a dork.

Justin: But I'm your dork😉

Selena: Bye.

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