WOOHP Australia

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A/N: Marathon owns Totally Spies. I do not. Just borrowing for fun.

Mali-U Penthouse Dorm

A few minutes to 5PM, the girls had rolled their suitcases out poolside and looked to the sky in anticipation. Clover, wearing white jeans and a purple long sleeve top, brushed her blonde forelock aside as she glanced skyward.  Beside her, Sam, dressed in black jeans and a beige top, glanced at her watch.  Her long red hair was stirred by a passing breeze.  Alex, opting for an olive green skirt with  yellow leggings and matching top, smiled to both of her friends.  Her black hair was rustled a bit as a stronger gust of wind blew.  

Soon, a WOOHP jet flew quickly, yet nearly silently into position above them, and a vacuum device extended from the underbelly. The girls tightly gripped their suitcase handles and were sucked into the vacuum to board the plane. Quickly, the vacuum retracted and the jet flew off unnoticed, except by one person in a nearby parking lot.

Mandy was poised at the side of her violet convertible, and had happened to look towards the penthouse dorm of the girls she'd known for so long. However, she'd looked over the instant after the vacuum had retracted, and merely shrugged before boarding her car.

Over the Pacific Ocean

The girls had secured their suitcases, found seats, and attached seat belts, giddy with excitement. Smiling, Jerry, a sixty-something balding man in black suit, glanced over his shoulder to them from the controls. "Welcome to WOOHP Air. I expect a safe, speedy flight to Sydney. Please enjoy your your flight," he called out in his distinctive British accent.

"Thanks, Jer!" the girls replied.

Airspace over Sydney

The metallic grey-colored jet slowed to a hover over a 20-story WOOHP building in Sydney Cove near the Ferry Terminal.

After landing on the roof, the plane was powered down. The group gathered their belongings and disembarked. Suddenly, the entire landing descended into the top floor of the building, earning surprised looks from the girls. Jerry merely smiled, and the hydraulics came to a stop with the pad resting in a hanger filled with high-tech aircraft. A man working in the hanger boarded the jet and eased it into a vacant spot as the landing pad raised back up to the roof until it settled into place with a metallic noise.

"Jerry!" a tall, middle-aged man with brownish-grey hair called out as he strode across the hanger to shake and firmly pat the shoulder of the somewhat older man.

"Steve, it's been too long!" Jerry replied, smiling. "Girls, this is Steve Bellums, director of WOOHP Australia," Jerry explained.

"Hello, I'm Clover," the stunning young blonde woman introduced herself pleasantly.

"Sam," followed the beautiful redhead eagerly.

"Alex," the vivacious Latino girl added.

"It's an honor," Steve said emphatically, shaking hands with each. "You've saved people, cities, countries, and the entire world more times than I can remember. We're familiar with your work over here," Steve said, grabbing Jerry's suitcase handle and rolled it along, leading the way. 

The girls smiled modestly, took their suitcases, and walked alongside the two directors to the exit.

"Thank you, Steve," Jerry said, glancing over at his old friend. "How are things going?"

"Pretty quiet, just like everyone else. We do have an ongoing case..." Steve mused.  "But for now, let's drop your things off here, take a tour, and meet your old friends."

The girls' eyes lit up at the mention of old friends. Steve triggered an automatic sliding door, and walked down a hall with the group to another door which slid open.

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