Chapter 7

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Near the Sydney Coast

Nero and his henchman had been pleased with the initial sea life exodus, then dismayed as it suddenly halted. He tried contacting one of his men at the warehouse to no avail.

"What's going on?" he questioned with frustration.

The girls, meanwhile, had received the news that Blaine and Brittney had shut down the device, and were closing in fast on Nero, thanks to their enhanced WOOHP sonar. Sam had been studying the controls on the way, and as Clover managed to get even closer, she activated the robot arm.

"I don't think it'll reach, Sammy," Alex commented. "Should we go out in the UPWATIS again?"

"Not this time Alex, since I figured out this!" Sam replied, and pressed a button.

The claw of the robotic arm shot out on a cable and grabbed into the other sub's hull, then locked on with a magnetic grip.

"Ooh, nice one!" Alex remarked. "I didn't know it did that!"

"Neither did I til a minute ago," Sam smiled back at her.

"OK, let's bring this fish back to shore," Clover said with gusto, gave the sub full power, and managed to drag the other sub back to a shipping pier at the shore.

Nero and the henchman burst quickly out of the top hatch, and made a break down the pier so they wouldn't be trapped inside and overwhelmed.

They ran for a truck nearby, intending to hot wire it to make their escape, but the girls flew out of their sub with jet pack backpacks to quickly intercept them. The henchman suddenly turned around and fired a few shots from an energy pistol, one of which was headed straight to Sam. Alex, concerned Sam wasn't going to dodge in time, was already in motion, and her jet pack wing took the shot.

"Whoa!" Alex yelled, as she careened out of control.

Clover, who'd had her Laser Lipstick drawn for a while, finally had a clear angle, and destroyed the man's weapon with a precise shot. Sam, meanwhile, had flown to Alex's aid, who was unable to gain control or shut off her jet pack. Sam carefully steered her to the ground in a hover, then removed Alex's jet pack, which was still short circuiting.

Before Nero could draw his own gun, Clover had dropped her Earring Smoke Bombs, obscuring his vision so that his shots missed their mark. The girls, though, could see through the smoke clearly, thanks to their M-Ray Contacts. Before a stray shot could hit anyone, Sam and Clover quickly shot their Bungee Belts into the smoke, immobilizing the two attackers.

A WOOHP jet soon conveniently blew away the smoke with its approach, and after it landed, Steve, Blaine, and Britney emerged.

"Nice work, team!" Steve said. "Just like these two," he remarked, pointing a thumb casually towards Blaine and Britney, who were moving Nero and his henchman to the jet.

Nero looked in frustration at his captors. "I was trying to liberate sea life from the uncaring masses, and you had to ruin all my hard work!" he grumbled.

Alex replied, "Hey, I'm an animal lover. But that doesn't mean you can go around breaking laws, ruining the economy, and stuff."

Steve nodded. "She's right, mate. Try a less extreme approach next time. For now, a stay in a WOOHP cell for a while," he said.

Blaine and Britney loaded them into the jet. Steve motioned to the girls to do the same. "Come along, girls. I can get a team to collect the subs. We want to make tonight's reservation, right?" he said pointing to his watch.

"We still have time! Thanks Mr. Bellums." Sam replied, as they all boarded and the jet took off.

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