The Fight Of Fate

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Drew's POV:

"Hey babe nice to see you. How'd you sleep?" I ask Lexi non chalantly.

"Never talk to me." She states before getting out of the car and walking onto the bus.

"What was that about?" I ask confused as Keaton leads me and Wes onto the bus.

He frowns at me,"You don't remember what you did?" He asks furious

I frown,"Ugh I didn't do anything. I got my ass beat and she's mad at me." I say

He scoffs,"You got your ass beat because you sucked face with some guys girlfriend you dumb ass. I get that right Lexi?" He says

"I think that about covers it." I here someone say. I turn to see a angry Lexi behind me.

"Babe I....- don't call me that!!" She shouts cutting me off.

"I want you to listen and I want you to listen good. I don't care that you were drunk. You went and you knew you don't have control when your drunk. But you still went. I am done. Done with the worry. Done with the heart ache. I'm done trying to make things work with you." She says tears streaming down her face. I take a step towards her but she turns and walks to her room slamming the door. I drop to my knees and put my head in my hands and broke down. I feel a hand on my shoulder and look up to see Wes with a sad expression. I get up and walk to my bunk. I lie down and fall into a dreamless sleep.

I lost the love of my life. I'm so stupid. I won't be able to be forgiven this time.

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