End of Tour

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*Four Months Later*

Lexi's POV:


I jolt awake and slam my head on the roof of the bunk,"FUCK MONKEYS!" I shout rubbing my sore forehead.

I hear more noises from outside the bunk. I turn and hop out of my bunk and make my way to the front of the bus. I get up there to see Keaton and Wes using my Xbox to play COD.

"What the hell are you guys doing on my bus this early?!?" I shout over the game.

They both snap their heads towards me," Hey Lex good morning to you too! But anyway we're here this early because we leave back to Cali today remember!!! End of tour!" Wes shouts excited.

I smile but it quickly goes to a frown,"And I have to find a place to live." I say in almost a whisper. At that Keaton and Wes turn off the game and engulf me in a group hug.

"It's okay Lexi until you find your own place Reyna said she would give you her spare bedroom." Keaton says

I smile,"Did you guys put that together?" I ask raising an eyebrow as we separate to the couch.

They nod smiling sheepishly,"Yeah kinda." Wes says blushing.

I can't help but chuckle at their embarrassment,"Thank you guys. That's very sweet of you." I say grinning at them.

We all laugh before my stomach makes an almost inhuman growl. We all look at each other before going into another fit of laughter.

"Well looks like your going to have to eat on the plane because we gotta go." Wes says hopping up from his seat. As he walks out of the bus he shouts,"Our suitcases are already at the airport and on the plane you just have to get on with them!" He reminds me.

I laugh,"I'll try!" I shout before walking off the bus and down to my rental car. I didn't need to get dressed because I just stayed in my after show sweatpants and tank top when I went to sleep last night. I hop in the the car and start the engine before making the twenty minute drive to the airport.

* Twenty Minutes Later*

I jump out of the car and walk the keys over to the rental company and turn them in. After that's done I walk over to the terminal map and find which gate I'm ate. Once I find it I turn and walk in that direction.

After 3 elevators, 4 crying kids and a very unfriendly seeing eye dog I end up at my gate right when my section was called to board the plane. I walk up to the desk and hand her my ticket.

"Enjoy your flight." She says with a fake smile and overly excited voice.

"Thank you!" I say with the same forced smile and fake cheery voice.

I walk on the plane and down the aisle to see the seat next to me is filled. The man looks up and I come face to face with someone I have been dying to see these past months.

"JOREL!" I shout excited engulfing him in a hug.

He smiles and releases me as we both sit down.

"The one and only babe." He says winking at me.

I giggle,"What were you doing in Canada?" I ask him as I see Wes, Keaton and Mr.Chadwick walk buy and sit in the row behind us. But not before Mr.Chadwick sends Jorel a glare.

"Me and the guys had a Canada tour that just finished now were heading back to LA to chill for a little before starting the third album." He says as I feel some sit beside me since I'm in the middle seat.

"Hey J, George wants to know who was screaming over here earlie-... JINX!" I hear none other then Jordan Terrell shout. I turn and bro hug my best best friend!

"Scene what's up man?" I ask

"Nothing much just excited to get back to LA. What about you?" He says pulling out a bag of Doritos.

I snatch the bag,"MINE! But anyway yeah I'm going back to LA too but I have to go house hunting when I get home." I say as they both frown.

"No you don't." They say in unison.

I nod,"Yeah I do." I say and just then realize the planes in the air.

They shake their heads,"Nope your living with us again. We still have all your stuff anyway." J says

"You sure?" I ask already knowing the answer.

"HELL YEAH. It's gonna be sleep all day and party all night just like old times!" Jordan exclaims.

I laugh,"Damn right! Thanks guys!" I say before plugging in my head phones and shutting out the world. J and Jordan following soon after.


Latest Update is Lexi and Drew are done and she won't even say his first name. She runs into her best friends from Hollywood Undead who offer her the old room she lived in before she went to Huntington with Drew. She agrees and is gonna start her old ways most likely.

Keep Voting if you want another update. Comment what you think of this chapter because it's been awhile since I've wrote anything on this book.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2014 ⏰

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