1. If looks could kill.

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I'm just an average high school student,
Heh, average. More like was an average high school student and had an average life... until he walked into it..


"What's wrong?" I asked staring down Sky. "I can't believe how short these skirts are.." she replied rolling her eyes.

I looked down and stared at our uniforms. Yeah.. our cheer uniforms skirts are very short. I just laughed, and she smiled. Sky had to be one of the prettiest girls I'd ever seen. She's very observant, obviously.. but bossy.

"Anyways..." she started "Who are you going to the dance with, Ava?"

Shit... I had forgotten about homecoming.. I never planned on going, since I didn't really know anyone at school except for Sky and the cheer team.

"A person." I said blankly. Skylar just stared at me, waiting for my actual response. I rolled my eyes. "Nobody, yet.."

"You should go with Connor!" She said placing her hand on her chin. I howled with laughter. This girl cannot be serious!

"Yeah right, Richard would flip!" I said placing my hands upon my hips. "So?" Skylar shrugged. "I mean you're practically an adult, Ava."
I rolled my eyes.

"I'm his baby.." I said sheepishly. "No Chloe is.." she snapped back.

I felt a vibrate from my school bag, it must've been my phone. Which means it's my mother...

"Hey sweetie, what are you doing after school?"

I knew where this was headed.. she needs me to watch Chloe. I start tapping away on my iPhone. "I have cheer, why?"

"I need you to cut practice today.."

I sighed. This would be the second time this week that I would cut practice.
I again, start typing away. "??? You HATE when I skip!"

"I need you to watch your sister.. Richards working late :("

I grunted as I read the name 'Richard'. I did NOT like that man. My mom had been married to him for 4 years..

"Sorry mom, I need to be there today! Two more practices before homecoming.. :/" I stared at my phone. There's no way she'll let me go.. nope no way.

"Sorry kiddo, I cannot afford a babysitter right now.. please, Ava!"

Sometimes work was always more important than her own children..
I threw my phone back into my bag in frustration.

"Everything okay?" Sky said rubbing the back of her neck. I just stared at the ground trying not to scream.
"I-I have to skip practice today.." I said twiddling my fingers.

"But you need to be there!" Sky folded her arms and stared me down. "I um gotta watch Chloe.." I said rubbing my arm. "Coach is gonna be pissed.." Sky responded annoyingly.

"Then let her be pissed!" I smiled. "..Well I gotta go, moms waiting for me."


When I got home I was greeted by the squeals of my six year old sister, Chloe.
"Ava's home, Ava's home!!!" She screamed while jumping into my arms. "Hey, Chloe!"  I smiled. "Can we go to the park?" She asked. "Um.. not today.. how about we order pizza and watch a movie?"

Chloe nodded in response and sighed in disappointment and ran off to go okay with her dolls.

I stood there for a minute, then I heard talking coming closer. It's mom.. she must be on a call with her assistant.

"No Caroline! Just get it done before I get there... yup, okay bye!" She hung up her phone and sighed.

"Hey sweetie." She let out one of fake smiles. "Well, thanks for doing this.. it means a lot."
"Not like I had a choice." I said said. "Can you not? I'm really not in the mood to deal with your sarcasm!" She snapped. "...Fine I'm sorry mother dearest." I smirked. "Alright, well I gotta go, try not to get to pissy with your sister." and just like that, she walked away phone glued to her ear.


After an hour, I ordered some pizza for Chloe and I.

"Yum!" Chloe said stuffing her face.

"Glad you like it.. But we should get you ready for bed." I suggested.
"Fine.." she yawned.

After I tucked Chloe into bed I walked into the kitchen to put away the left over pizza.. I regret that now because Richard is in here.

"Did you get your sister to bed?" He asked.

Wow straight to the point, no 'how was your day Ava?' I fucking hate this man so much.. I don't understand what my mom sees in him.

"Yeah no thanks to you...asshole"
"What was that?!" Richard snaps.. if looks could kill...
"Seriously Ava, don't talk shit! I'll take cheer away"
This asshole isn't serious. Last I checked my mom paid for everything for cheer, hell he wasn't even in the picture then!
I just laughed "You, you're gonna take away cheer? HAH! Last I checked my mom paid for everything! You weren't even in the picture" I'm seriously so close to knocking this mans teeth out!
"FUCK IT! Ava, no more cheer! Go to bed" before he could say anything else I ran to my room.

*Margo's POV

When I walked into the house I could hear Ava and Richard going at it. *sigh* what's new? Before I could even get into the kitchen I seen Ava run into her room and slay door. Dammit do I hate it when she slams doors.
A part of me wanted to go in there and comfort her, but I knew I had to deal with my idiotic husband..

"What the hell happened this time?" I said crossing my arms.
"Your daughter happened" Richard takes a bite out of a piece of pizza.
"What could she have possibly done, Rich?" I said rubbing my temples "You two fight like 3 year olds.. over the stupidest shit!"
"Hey! Don't try pin pointing this on me! She was acting like a little bitch."
That's it. I honestly thought we'd go ONE night without fighting. That's clearly impossible.
"And so I took away cheer" he smirks to himself
"WHAT?!" I'm on the verge of screaming. "You have NO right to take that away! You didn't pay hundreds of dollars for her to even be part of it!"

"DON'T RAISE YOUR VOICE AT ME!" Great.. He's even more mad.

I'm just standing there trying not to claw his face off. He's probably woke up Chloe up by now.. he's just scowling at me waiting for me to say something.
And so I did "God you're such an asshole!"
I nearly fall to the ground. Sadly this isn't the first time he's put his hands on me...

*Ava's POV

I can hear them yelling. I can hear them yelling and it's all my fault. I know for a fact that my mom will always, and I mean always be on my side because she knows how much of an ass Richard is.. I don't understand how she can be with such a hateful person.. he's always like this with my mom and I but with Chloe he's a completely different person. Probably because he knows my mom will drop his ass if he ever hurt her.

But why do all the fights have to be my fault? I'll never know.
I hope you enjoyed chapter one of REBEL! This is the revised and original story from the app Episode! Feel free to tell me your thoughts (:

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