4. Remembering

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   I always have these dreams every year and they seem so surreal. Like it's actually happening.. and these dreams actually happened, years ago.

Six years ago to be exact.

   But what's so significant about that time? Well it happens to be the anniversary of my dads death.
I remember that day so clearly, I was eleven years old and Chloe wasn't born yet.

I remember being sad because my dad had to go to work, he worked for some business. Anyways, he worked pretty long shifts. He always came home around twelve at night. I would be asleep.

I remember seeing the horror of my moms face the morning she got the news. Seeing her so strained and broken.. broke me as well.

I remember seeing the two police officers in our living room of our small apartment. When my mom sat me down and told me all that happened...

I broke.

Ava Franklin was broken by the age of eleven. My mom and I went to counseling, and that kinda helped but not a lot. I stopped going when I turned fifteen.


Once I collected my thoughts I went to look for my black dress.
Once I found it and threw it on I did my hair and makeup. Once I got a good look at myself I looked emo as fuck. It's not surprising though.

As I walked into the school I was nearly attacked by Ariana.

"There you are!!-" she stopped mid sentence
She started to rub her neck awkwardly like she was trying find the right words to say..

"Ava?" She asked
"We have cheer practice today.. were supposed to wear our uniforms.." she said slowly.

I started to shift awkwardly. I could already feel the waterworks coming along..

God dammit, Ava! Now is not the time to cry..

"A-Ava?" Ana said with concern in her voice "Are you alright?"

Deep breaths Ava.. she forgets every year.. it's not her fault.

"Do you know what today is..?" I asked in a neutral tone. Ariana stared at me long and hard before answering me.
"OMYFUCKING GOD!!" She screamed.

She remembered.

"Ava, I'm so so so sorry! It completely slipped my mind!" She was freaking out
"I should've known by the outfit you're wearing!"
"Ari, its fine! It's not your responsibility to remember these things!" Tears started to sting my eyes, Ariana noticed and pulled me into a tight hug.

What did I do to deserve her?

I slowly walked into class, Connor was already at his new assigned seat.. great.

I avoided eye contact and slowly took my seat and took my books out of my bag.

I could feel his eyes burning a hole in the side of my head.. just. Stop. Staring!
Five minutes passed and he's still hasn't looked away.

"What are you wearing..?" He finally said

Ugh, I really don't feel like explaining myself to him.. especially him.

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