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She heard someone in the cemetery as she set up her camp for the night. She turned around and saw a full head of jet black hair. She stared at him for a minute or two and dropped what she had in her hands. She bolted over to the boy. "Hey you! Yeah you!" The boy looked at her like he was a deer in headlights and then a minute later he was gone. She looked around for him but didn't find him. She walked over to the grave he was standing over and read the name. Cody Lewis Herbinko. "That must be his name." She mumbles quietly. "1999-2017. Wow he was young."

"How the hell did I see him though? If he's dead then how is that even remotely possible?" Maybe she was just seeing things. She heard another person and looked over hoping it was the boy again. It wasn't him but it was a man. He was digging another grave. She walked over but tried not to get seen. She snuck around him and watched over his shoulder from a distance.

"Hello miss." He said in a raspy old man voice. He turned to her. Her eyes widen and she points to herself. "How did you know I was here?" "Oh," he chuckles deeply "they always come to see if there new room is how they want it." She was a bit frightened. She didn't know what he meant. "Excuse me?" She said quietly not being able to find her voice. "I am assuming that you are Nelly?" How did he know her name? She backed away and bolted towards her camp. She crawled into her tent and sat staring at the thin plastic walls. What the hell is going on?

The next day she climbed out of her plastic shelter and stretched. She looked up at the bright sun and squinted. It was bright out today but she could see the dark clouds rolling in. She decided that before the rain came down on her that she would go over to the grave she visited last night. She couldn't shake off the weird feeling she had in the pit of her stomach.

She made her way over to the hole in the ground. "How did he know my name?" was the only question ringing through her head. She was confused. Very confused. She bent down to read the grave stones words.

Nelly Rose
Loving Daughter and Sister

She gasped loudly. This couldn't be happening.

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