3: The Boy

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The room was dark. She felt around for a light switch but couldn't find one. What memory could this be? She prayed that this wasn't the room that stored her nightmares.

With her eyes squeezed shut she slowly made way to what she thought was the center of the room. The door shut quickly and like that she was locked in. She opened her eyes slowly but still didn't see anything. She took slow deep breathes and sat down. "I love you" Those three words drift around the room. They were deep and raspy. A smiling face projected onto the wall and like that disappeared.

The boy had dark black hair and blue eyes. His skin was pale and he had a lip ring. Who was he? How could this be a memory if she didn't even witness it. A boy never told her he loved her.

She ran around the room searching for the door. "Let me out!" Then like that she was back in her hospital bed. She could feel her heartbeat slowly dying down. She tried to fight it. She tried to move. This isn't what she wanted. She had to wake up.

"Relax." A voice whispered. It was the same voice that was in the dark room. "Open your eyes." He says. She obeyed and did so. No one was there. She stood up. She grabbed her clothes and quickly ran out of the room. She made sure no one saw her and went into a restroom. She changed and left quickly. Only, her body didn't go with her.

She walked home. It would be a little bit until she would even think about getting into another vehicle. No one was home. Odd. She shrugged and grabbed clothes. She packed everyday essentials and went on her merry way. She had to find him. That boy. The boy with the jet black hair. She won't stop until she did.

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