~ The good and bad things about your childhood~

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Haru -
Good Things -
1. You grew up really rich
2. You have a best friend since birth
3. You are really good at surfing ( you started surfing at age 4 )
Bad things -
1. You got attacked by a shark while you were swimming in the ocean
2. You were bullied a little bit in school cause of your fame
3. You hit your head on a rock underwater while you fell off your surfboard and under the water which caused you to get too much water into your lungs and ended up drowning but one do your family members had to do CPR to you.
Makoto -
Good things -
~ you grew up wealthy
~ You have had a best friend since kindergarten
~ You always got everything you wanted
Bad things -
~ You got bitten by a spider on your leg
~ You also got bullied a little bit in school
~ You twisted your ankle a couple times
Rin -
Good things -
~ You were really creative
~ You had many friends during school
~ You are really good at volleyball
Bad things -
~ You got into a couple fights at school
~ You had been used before
~ you almost drowned while you were swimming
Nagisa -
Good things -
~ You grew up wealthy
~ You were always cheerful
~ You always made friends
Bad things -
~ It was easy to hurt your feelings
~ You lost a couple friends
~ You were always told your dreams cannot come true of becoming a model
Rei -
Good things -
~ You always got good grades
~ You grew up wealthy
~ You were always being complimented
Bad things -
~ Your parents would get mad if you didn't have a good grade
~ You were being called a nerd or a geek, which you did not like
~ You almost got kidnapped at young age

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