Chapter 3

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Super Center- Los Angeles

The girls used a staff parking spot near the large auditorium, entered the arena, and agreed to call each other if anyone spotted anyone or anything out of the ordinary. Clover gathered with the other ticket takers in the foyer, while Sam and Alex went backstage.

A few early arrivals handed over their tickets to be given admittance. Clover looked at every person who entered, until she noticed a man that looked vaguely familiar. She realized with surprise who the middle-aged man was, and told a fellow ticket taker she was going to take a quick call before the crowds started coming. She hit the speed dial button on her X-Powder once out of everyone's earshot.

"What's up, Clover?" Sam replied, who had a free moment, and moved a ways off from the other medical assistants backstage.

"I just spotted someone, but it's not Ariel. It's Wink... Whatever. The game show guy," Clover whispered quickly.

"Weatherdale. Of all the people. What's he doing here?" Sam mused. "Thanks Clover. I'll keep an eye out for him," she said.

"OK, call if you need me. I'll stay up front here in case Ariel shows up," Clover said, ending the call to return to her ticket taking and lookout.

Prior to the call, Sam was learning about treating injuries from the experienced sports medicine assistants, which she found to be quite practical for her spy missions. After talking with Clover, though, she quickly volunteered to run an errand out of the locker room. She eventually spotted Wink from a distance, and thanks to the M-Rays' ability to allow her to see through objects, she could tail him from a distance by seeing through the walls of the hallway. He stopped moving when he reached an area near a rear emergency exit, secluded from most of the staff. Sam stayed hidden, and tapped her Earring Sound Amplifiers, which enabled her to hear sound in a specific radius.

"I know you hate dealing with men," Wink said over his phone. "You're missing out, in my opinion. But as long as you bring my payment, I'll give you my upgraded gift and be out of your hair," he said.

His call ended, Sam tapped an earring to deactivate it, then backtracked a bit to avoid being spotted.

Locker Room

Alex was stretching and warming up while thinking over the IFC's fight rules and tactics she'd looked up of her X-Powder during the trip to the stadium. Amidst the sound of the crowd cheering the opening fight; male lightweights, Alex heard the soft hum of her X-Powder. She checked in with her trainer, then went to the restroom, and took the call. Sam, efficiently having Clover in the call as well, filled them in on what she'd seen and heard. The plan: Sam would keep an eye on Alex's fight, while Clover took over monitoring Wink. They agreed and ended the call, and Alex returned to the locker room to in readiness for the fight.

Fighting Ring

The announcer introduced Alex and her opponent to the crowd for the first female bout of the night.

Tattooed, aggressive, and muscular, with short blonde hair, Alex's opponent was a bit surprised at the gentle-looking, yet confident "Perez". Over the years Alex had faced powerful men, women, creatures and machines, sometimes outnumbered, and often with her life and the lives of others on the line. She wasn't intimidated now, but never underestimated an opponent. If anything, the crowd and cage she found her herself in were what she needed to not be distracted by.

The bell sounded, and both women poked with punches and kicks, which were deflected in turn. The blonde was having trouble scoring a good hit, and tried to find an opening for a grapple.

Alex considered pressing her offense for a solid strike or grapple of her own, when the blonde made her move first with a quick lunge. Alex moved quickly to use her opponent's momentum to execute a judo throw, topped off with an armbar. She had enough pressure on to obtain a submission from her opponent without causing serious injury, and was declared the winner.

The surprised crowd cheered Alex, who waved briefly with a smile. She asked the blonde fighter if she was OK, raised her arm in a gesture or goodwill, and gave her a quick hug and smile.

Alex's former opponent marveled a bit at the cheerful, girly demeanor of the girl, as they and the trainers in their corners left the main arena for backstage. A strong-looking short-haired brunette in the crowd named Donna smiled in recognition as "Marta" walked by. Alex's old high school friend wondered why she'd use a fake name and wanted to call or email her about it.  For now she was content to simply applaud for a bit more and enjoy the rest of the fights.

In the locker room, Sam treated a few of Alex's small abrasions after the experienced staff determined there were no serious injuries on either side. 

"Nice job out there," Sam said, keeping aware of her surroundings. "Clover's keeping an eye out for unexpected guests," she added with a whisper.

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