Chapter 6

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WOOHP Containment Facility Visitor's Room:

Sam, Clover and Alex, in their everyday outfits, were seated around a small, white table in the modest-sized room, along with Stacy. The usual guard stood by, looking on. Sam couldn't wait a full week to visit her, and had rescheduled her visit for the next day after classes, even managing to get Clover and Alex to make time in their schedules.

"Wow, to think you'd use my gadget against him, of all people," Stacy said in a subdued voice.

"Sorry it came down to that. I almost didn't use it because... you know. But Sammy asked me to trust her, and I did," Clover said.

"No it's okay. Just stupid of him to end up back in here," Stacy replied. "Look at Ms. Dion and Muffy. They're back to normal life," she smiled, having kept in touch with both of them.

"That's the spirit," Alex said. "You'll still be here a bit longer, but now you see you don't need to be like your uncle anymore," she said emphatically to Stacy.

"Yeah, you really came through for us on this. We caught Ariel, and didn't have to go through being captured, mind control, or worse," Sam stated. "I wish we'd had that gadget years ago. Can you imagine...?" Sam trailed off.

"I know!" Clover, slumping back in her chair dramatically. Alex looked sympathetically at Sam, thinking of how much mind control she'd been through in particular over the years.

"Jerry said they're standard issue now," Alex said. "We're officially overpowered!" she said, beaming in joy. She chuckled, and the others joined in infectiously.

"I wish... more people here would get it. Most here are insane, evil, or both..." Stacy trailed off.

"I was too, for a while. But people can change. I'm trying to do that with Milton. Maybe he can help with a few guys and I can try talking to a few girls, since we're usually separated," she finished.

"That's a great idea, Stacy. Just be careful. Some people here..." Sam said thoughtfully. "Well, WOOHP security has really come a long way over the years," she added with a small smile.

"OK, take care everyone," Stacy said after the guard indicated that the time was nearly up.

Everyone stood, and Sam gave Stacy a quick goodbye hug, followed by Alex. Clover looked conflicted until Alex prodded her gently with her elbow. She smiled awkwardly and gave a quick shoulder hug to Stacy.

"Bye!" Sam, Clover and Alex called out, walking off in the opposite direction.

"Things have really been going well," Alex mused, a bit teary-eyed. "I'd hate for anything...," she started when Sam and Clover each suddenly gripped a shoulder of hers.

"Don't jinx it!" they said, interrupting her firmly.

The three giggled at that and made their way back out to the parking lot, the car, and back to Mali-U for a well-deserved night off to themselves.

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