Fire and Ice Part I

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Author's Note: sorry for the long wait! I had no idea where I wanted to take this so I've been at a writer's block for quite some time. But very recently I started watching Ice Fantasy once again and after watching the recent episode of Destiny in English subbed - the feelings returned. So re-watching the series compelled me and inspired me to update. Also the reviews and messages helped so thank you and hope you like it!!!

He walked confidently holding the hand of his older brother.

It took all he had to maintain his composure and not break down. Being in his younger body once again was hard to adjust his emotions were heightened and all over the place.

To tell his brother the truth. The horrific truth of what was going to be and what sacrifices he had made to keep him alive. Although he guessed that was why he had this opportunity to change things.

To make a different future - one where unnecessary death would be prevented.

Entering the ice kingdom's throne room his  brothers and sisters were alive. He faltered in his step Kasuo looked down to where his brother missed a step, "Shi, are you alright?" His voice filled with brotherly concern.

"I'm fine brother. " Ying Kong Shi resumes his walk and not soon after he hears the light footsteps of his brother from behind. Shi joins his brothers and sisters. He didn't care if they weren't his real, biological siblings. He always considered KaSuo his brother. He could save them all this time around therefore setting a new future. A future where the Hidden Lotus was and always will be that of myth and legend.

He looked inside himself and he could feel the power of the ice-fire clan within him. He needed to stop the fire prince Xin Jue from harming the ice wall.

So he needed his brothers help unfortunately. He didn't have access to his powers yet, he remembered the blindly hot rage that overtook him when Yan Da had held him prisoner, fire had enveloped him and suddenly he found himself much older.

It would take another situation like that he deducted.

"Brother--" he started but it was too late to get his brother's help. The claps of joy are replaced with the absolute silence and directing each of their gazes to the Ice Clan's Leader and King of the three kingdoms. KaSuo and the others payed close attention, but Ying Kong Shi couldn't. He needed to tell the man he had looked up to as a father - the Ice King about the Fire Prince who was likely to show up any minute now.

Speaking of which, the deafening sound of doors being opened Ice Clan guardians enter bringing with them the mysterious and allusive Fire Prince, "Your highness, greetings from the Fire Clan. Father sends his regards on not attending this festive gathering."

He needed to be quick. The elder fire Prince had started it all. He was the one the fire Prince needed to fight against not his brother.

With a determined mind and step - the young prince - Ying Kong Shi brushed past KaSuo and kneeled to the dais of the throne.  Placing his hand over his heart in respect, "Father, I beg your forgiveness for interrupting. It is imperative that I talk to you." 

"Ying Kong Shi. Whatever the matter is it can wait. To show disrespect to the Fire Clan's Prince brings shame to our clan. "

"Father. I beg your forgiveness. But I will not let this go. It is imperative I speak to you. "

With cold and calculating eyes - no trace of warmth nor kindness the Ice King rises from his throne and bows his head to the Fire Prince in attendance. "My deepest apologies, Prince Xin Jue. "

The Ice King walked out followed by a young but no young Ice Prince. Hopefully be made the right call. He needed all the help he could get and confessing to the father he had looked up to since birth was a good way to start.

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