Welcome to Diagon Alley

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         "You're a witch." They repeated. I laughed. "Okay, okay guys. The moments over. Now what are these letters for?" I asked as I stopped laughing. "We are serious, Emmarrelis." Lazuli said sternly. "Prefect basically means head boy at Hogwarts." Daniel explained. "Hogwarts, is that the name of a club or something?" I asked. "No. It's our school. We all attend Hogwarts, and now you two are eleven, you will too." Janus replied. "That's what's inside the envelope. Your Hogwarts acceptance letter, train ticket, and supply list." 

     "You guys really committed to this, didn't you." I said. " I swear to you, I twin swear to you that we're NOT lying." Lazuli said seriously. "Ooooo, she sister twin sweared." Janus and Daniel said at the same time. "Wait, if this is real, then how did you know about this before me?" I asked. "We're the same age." "I know, I know." Said Lazuli. "They told me yesterday, and I believed as soon as they said it. They told me how you got that scar." I looked puzzled. "I already know how I got it. I got in a car crash on my bike when I wa-." I got cut off real quick. "No, listen to me!" Janus said. "Daniel, you can tell her." "Tell me what?" I asked. "The truth." He said. "Daniel, Janus we have to get going to make it to the train." Lazuli said in a hurry. "What train?" I asked. "You'll see." Daniel said.

     We got in the car to place to get supplies for school. First we went to a place called the Leaky Cauldron. "Why are we at a drinking shoppe?" Lazuli and I asked. "To get our supplies." replied Janus. He led us to the back and pulled out some kind of stick. "What is that?" I asked suspiciously. "Just calm down, Emmy Janus knows what he's doing." Daniel said. Just then, he started tapping on the bricks with his stick. "What are you doing?" I asked. "Getting into Diagon Alley with my wand." He said back. "Wand? Diagon Alley? Are you guys trying to such me out or something because if you are, then you can stop n-" I got cut off again. The bricks separated into an entrance of what looked like a new world. "How did you do that?" I asked. "Emmarrelis, we're witches and wizard. We have magic. It's what we do." Lazuli said suddenly. "Welcome to Diagon Alley, Laz and Emmy." Daniel and Janus said.

     "First off. Gringotts!" Daniel said. "What"s Gringotts?" I asked. "Is that a store." "Close, it's a bank." Lazuli said "How do you know?" I asked. "I researched everything about wizards." She Replied. "Okay then. But wait, I already have money."  I said. "Emmy, they don't accept muggle money." Janus said walking into Gringotts. "You need sickles, nuts a-" I cut him off. "Whats a muggle?" I asked. "Non-magic folk." Daniel said. As we walk into the bank, goblins start staring at us, then start whispering. "Why are they whispering?" I ask. "No time to explain." Janus replied. We go up to the front desk. "We would like to go to the Lovegood vault." He said. "Do you have a key?" The goblin, Griphook, asked. "Yes Sir, it's right here." Janus showed him the key. He gestured us to follow him to our vault. "Where are we going?" I asked. "Well to the Lovegood vault, of course." Janus replied.

     We get to our vault, 643, and there are at least one million coins. "Woah." I say in astonishment. Janus and Daniel gather the coins while Lazuli and I watch. "We need 250 galleons, 200 sickles, and 513 knuts." Said Janus. Daniel nodded in agreement. They made us carry the bags. They said it was "only fair".

    We left Gringotts and started shopping. First we went to a place called Ollivander's Wand Shop. Lazuli went in first which took 27 minutes until she came back. "Redwood, I got Redwood!" She said excitedly. "Cool, whats that?" I asked feeling stupid. "A wand wood, Emmy." She replied giggling. "I can go with you to get yours if you want." "Um, Sure." I said with a grin on my face and uncertainty. Lazuli sat by the door waiting for me. "Mr. Ollivander, are you here?" I asked. "Right here, my dear. Right here." He replied.

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