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I opened my door as I heard someone knocking on it I sighed seeing that it was Scott I let him in though

"What can I help you with McCall?" I asked sitting down he sits down

"Did you know I would become an alpha?" He asked I sat back on the couch

"Derek told me your story becoming an alpha will make you a target a true alpha will be worse everyone will be attracted to you whether it's to be apart of your pack or to steal your power and yes I knew" I said he runs a hand through his hair

"What does Deucalion want?" He asked me I pursed my lips

"He wants you in his pack Scott plain and simple but I'll tell you one thing if you won't be in his pack he'll destroy your chance of becoming a true alpha"I said I sat back again before picking up my bottle and taking a swing of my whiskey

"I'm sorry about your dad"he says I put my bottle down

"why? he was apart of the pack that's trying to kill you" I said he sighs

"Because no matter what he did I know how it's like not having a father"he says standing up I walked him to the door

"Scott promise me one thing...don't join the alpha pack" I said he nods

"I promise" he says and leaves I sighed going back inside

The next few days nothing happened but Friday I heard a knock on my door I opened it wishing I hadn't

"Okay I know you're angry" he says I growled

"You have no idea how angry I am Derek" I said he nods

"And I'm sure you wouldn't mind showing me but Cora's at the hospital I'm headed there now if you want to come"he says I walked towards my room without another word grabbing my jacket and following him out the car ride was silent I rushed around the corner following Cora's scent I stopped at the door Derek walks past me sitting in the chair beside her bed gripping her hand

"Derek?" She asked I walked over sitting on the other side of her

"Katherine?"she asked

"Hey. Hey, I'm here"Derek says  

"What's happening to me?" She asked my eyes blurred with tears

"I don't know. But I'm not leaving, okay? Not again" he says she turns to me

"Why are you crying?" she asked I gripped her hand tightly

"I just lost my dad recently I'm not stable Right now little wolf" I said she smiles at the nickname I had given her

"I hate that nickname" she says I smiled

"Well you better get used to it cause us girls gotta stick together....and I need someone here to help me kick Derek's ass" I said with a small laugh she let's out a small laugh along with Derek me and Derek soon left after Peter had gotten there we went back to his loft Scott and stiles had come to tell us that Jennifer was the darach

"Hide"I said expressionless

"Derek? Derek, where are you?" I hear her yell he turned to me

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