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Jessie's pov

Chas started walking towards Sam and I so I said a quick goodbye and walked over to him.

"What's wrong?" I didn't wanna come here in the first place so I had a right to be grumpy.

"Well your acting like a spoilt little brat and saying you can't skateboard even though you've been skateboarding since you were like 3!? It's just not the Jessie we know," by this stage Ryan and Justin had joined us and were nodding their heads as Chaz spoke.

"Well you know what guys? I'm a different person to who I was a few years ago k? I don't wanna gang out with you and your friends, I don't want to skateboard and I don't want to be known as Chaz's sister ok? I'm my own person!!"

And with that I picked up my skateboard and left the park. When I got to the main road out of the parks sight I put my board down and skated home.

Chaz's pov.

We watched her skate off down the road, deciding to give her space.

"Well on the bright side, she skated again right?" me and Justin just stared at Ryan until he realised that was a stupid thing to say.

"Come one lets just go straight to Nolan's house" we followed Justin.

Jessie's pov

When I got into the house the silence was actually kinda nice. peaceful, almost.

I was about to sit down and watch pretty little liars when a text came through on my iphone.

"Feel like it's not working anymore, i don't feel the same. we should break up"

That did it. I ran up to my room and fling myself down on my bed, crying my eyes out. how could he?

Justin's pov

"I'm pretty tired, I'm just gonna head home guys k? I'll be at your house Chaz."

They all chorused their goodbyes and I got in my car and drove to the Somers' house.

When I walked in the tv was on but on mute and there was a cold cup of tea on the table. Beside Jessie's phone.

I ran upstairs and found her sobbing her eyes out. I lay down on the bed beside her and put my arms around her, letting her cry on my chest.

"Boys are idiots" she mumbled through her tears.

I chuckled and started playing with her hair.

"Not all boys. Don't let one idiot get to you princess, he doesn't know what he's missing with you." I leaned down and kissed her forehead.

"Sing to me," I looked at her heartbroken face and couldn't refuse.

I sang the opening words of Fall and she smiled and started dosing off.

"I love you justin.." she mumbled as she drifted off to sleep.

"I love you too jess, I love you too"

I an so sorry!! Please don't hate me? xxx

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