Bullying ➜ Rant

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Bullying is an international issue that needs to be resolved and decreased. I don’t really understand why people bully. Is it because you hate that person? Do you do it just because you like hitting and assaulting people? That question remains unanswered. The bully isn’t harmed, but the victim sure is. And imagine that victim’s thoughts and emotions.

A reason why bullying should be diminished is because the victim might self-harm. What if that victim was you? What would you do? The target is hurt everyday, and he comes home to a place where his parents are neglecting him. How would he feel? Worthless. That’s how. And what would he resolve in doing? Self-harm! He’d cut himself every night, maybe that will be the satisfaction, maybe the cutting helps him to forget all that pain that is inflicted on him at school. Bullying doesn’t only affect him physically, but emotionally as well. Being called names such as stupid, imbecile, ugly etc. is definitely not fun to endure. Especially being called worthless. In fact, no one’s worthless. We all are here to serve a purpose, and we’re all special in a way. Teasing is a hurtful form of bullying, and the victim may not be all comfortable being told something that he is not.

Secondly, attempts at suicide are very common. Bullying affects a person’s well being, and sometimes the victim is so stressed out and tired of all this foolery, that he resorts to suicide. Imagine the person that is being bullied (the victim) is your best friend. What if your best friend tries to kill him/herself just because of the pain endured from abusing? You would definitely feel guilty and disappointed! Why guilty? Because maybe you could have done something to prevent that from happening. Maybe you could have stopped your best friend from the suicide attempt. If people from all around the world speak up, then maybe there would be less kids stressing themselves out because of being a victim of abuse.

Thirdly, bullying is not fun. It’s not just some game. Think of how you’re affecting your target. Think of what he/she might do because of what you’ve done. If this is a game, then it is no doubt a sick game, cruel and disrespectful. Not to mention absolutely horrendous and heartless. I encourage you to stop bullying, and start respecting others instead. Do onto others what you want them to do onto you. So if you’re bullying somebody, start watching your back, because Karma’s going to come back strong as ever and hit you as hard as it can.

All in all, think before you speak. Maybe a little thinking before you actually speak will avert you from saying something hurtful to another person. Bullying is an inconsiderate thing to do, and by all means, we should all try to stop bullying. In this way, we can prevent many suicide attempts, self harm and injuries. Stop the hate, and start spreading love!

"Stop hate, start love." 

-Jillian Jensen

The Golden Rule:

"Do unto others what you would want them do to you."


To be honest, I just defy bullying. I don't like it. So this is like a rant for it.

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