Chapter Two

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Prim walk with a groan, her hand slamming on the snooze button. One no one knows, except Tanya, is that she HATES mornings. After she hit the snooze button, she goes back to sleep, but after five minute it goes off again. Prim does about five more times, till she finally decided to get out of bed.

Prim went to her tiny kitchen to make her self some coffee, since she had time to. While her coffee brewed she went to her living room, plopping on her couch, to watch more of her TV show she started watching last night. Then a tiny timer went off, letting Prim know her coffee was done. Prim added her sugar and milk to it, not liking just plain black coffee.

Then she went back watching her TV. After an hour later, she looked at the clock, seeing it was
9:30 am. She had to go pick up the girls at 10:30, so that left her an hour to get ready. She quickly put her hair in a bun and got in the shower, only washing her body, then hopped out. She grabbed clean clothes, putting them on and went to go brush her teeth. Now it was time to do her hair, she curled some pieces since her was naturally wavy, but some pieces stayed flat. She quickly put on her Makeup, her skin was flawless so she never wore any foundation or concealer, only mascara, blush and some lipgloss.

She grabbed her keys and grabbed her water bottle, along with her purse, and headed out the door.


"Come Juju wake up! Wake up!"

Julia eyes snapped open and she let out a long groan, as her two cousins and three siblings jumped on her.

"What time is it?"

She asked groggily, sitting up, which made the kids stop jumping.

"It's 10:20!"

Julia's eyes widened "Crap! Prim is picking me up at 10:30! Alright munchkins out!"

The kids all ran out, and Julia quickly put on her clothes, then did her makeup which consisted of concealer, mascara, and lipgloss. Then she quickly grabbed her bag and ran out of her room. Her cousins and siblings in the living room. Her mom, sister and grandma in the kitchen.

"Where are you going?"

Her sister Bella asked, Julia sighed and put on her shoes.

"I am going out with the girls. Sam got his new car so we were gonna check it out."

Her mom, Debra, nodded getting the kids lunches ready for they had daycare on Saturday's.

"Be safe hun."

Julia nodded and heard a car horn from outside. She quickly gave a kiss on her mother and grandmothers cheek.

"Be good kids!"

She heard a bunch of ok's while running out of the door, hopping into the passengers seat.


Julia said slightly out of breath, making Prim smile.

"You woke up late again did you?"

Julia rolled her eyes but let out a dry laugh and nodded, then they drives of to Becca's house.


"Becca sweetheart get up! It's 9:28!"

Becca let out a yelp, startled by the shout, and accidentally falling out of her bed.

"Come one hun! You said Prim was picking you up at 10:30. You still got time to get ready! Get to it!"

Her mom shouted again from downstairs. Becca sighed as she laid belly first on the flor. Then she lazy lifted her Arms up to push herself off the floor.

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