Chapter Eight

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Outfits ^^^


"Ladies your families will be here in 20 minutes! Get a move on!"

Lennox said, making the girls looked at him and nod. Lennox frowned and walked up to Tanya.

"Hey Tanya. Are you sure you have no family members to come see you?"

Tanya only nodded "Yes, I am sure."

Lennox only nodded and walked away slowly, leaving Tanya to her thoughts. Alone. That's all I'll ever feel and that's how it will always be. Tanya thought, walking towards the large room, already seeing the families arriving. She stayed in the back, standing near the bot's you stayed in their vehicle mode, though Lennox spoke.

"You guys don't have to stay in those modes, they already know about you."

"Are you sure Major Lennox?" Optimus asked, they were hesitant.

Lennox Chuckled "I am sure."

The bots all transformed, causing the families to gaps and watch in awe. Then they heard foot-steps.


"My Bambina!" Julia's mother said happily.

"Juju! Juju!" Her cousins and siblings said, making Julia smiled wider. She quickly walked over to her family.

"Hi guys!"

"Sissy your so big!" Her little brother said, who was being held by his sister.

Julia only smiled till loud steps were heard, she looked over and smiled "Guys this is Jazz, one of my team-mates."

All the kids laughed and her cousin Daisy said "Juju has a boyfriend!"

Julia rolled her eyes "He is not my boyfriend!"

She blushed as she heard Jazz chuckle, and blushed even more.


"Prim Witwicky! You better have good reason for this!" Judy scowled.

"Hi to you to mom." Prim said sarcastically, but smiled.

"Hey sis! Bee!" Sam said to his sister quickly then went over to his guardian.

Prim sighed "Just the family reunion I was hoping for!" She says sarcastically again.

The her da stepped up, Ron, and said "I don't care how old your are. Or what form you are in. Still no boyfriend!"

Prim rolled her eyes again "Ok dad..."


"Momma, Daddy!" Becca said, walking over to her parents.

"Baby! Your ok! We were so worried." Her mom said, hugging her daughters large hand.

Her dad nodded and sighed "Are you ok? You didn't get hurt?"

Becca smiled and signed back, but also spoke at the same time. "I am ok daddy."

Her dad nodded and smiled, patting Becca's hand. That's when Becca told them what happened and how amazing it was.


"Ivy your grandparents are here." Lennox said smiling, seeing her two grandparents being wheeled towards her in wheelchairs, of course.

"Hey Nana. Hey Papa." Ivy said gently, but loud enough knowing they have trouble hearing.

Ivy started tearing up when they looked at her strangely, then felt a hand on her shoulder. She looked to see Ironhide. She smiled and placed her hand on top of his.

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