How Did I Do It?

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Alright alright I get it the first two story's were pretty fucked up..They weren't supposed to be. They just came out that way..So I'll make you guys this one instead

He jumped off the top of a building and landed next the garbage bin.

He came back to the apartment after his job was finished.

"Hey Evan, look I made $500 bucks on this one..." He said while looking at me

"Hehe that's great Jon..." I spoke looking down

"Are you okay Evan?" He asked while grabbing my hands

"Yeah yeah I'm fine it's just.." I said looking away

"Its my job isn't it?" He said turning my head and looking into my eyes

"No no...It's just...How did I do it?" I asked looking at him

"How'd you do what?" He looked at me with a confused face

"How did I score one with the best assassin in the world?" I whispered looking down at the floor

"Huh?" He asked still not hearing me

"How did I make that pasta you liked again...I kinda forgot it" I told looking back at him

"I don't know why don't you check your book again" he said smiling and heading to the shower

Time skip

As we lay in bed I think about my question again

'How on earth did I catch the most killer assassin in the world?'...'How did I do it?'

I closed my eyes and remembered back when we first met


"Evan! You know walking back home this late isn't a good idea!" Charlie said while stopping me

"It's fine Charlie I can handel myself you know, plus I know karate" I explained while walking out

"BE CARFUL EVAN!" He screamed out the door

"I know!" I shouted back

As I walked down the empty Street of ours I saw newspapers all over the pole lights and on the ground

I knew they were for that crazy assassin in this part of town

That's why half the population moved away..Though those who didn't just stayed inside at night

I didn't really care..Though...It'd be nice to met this guy...He's got me interested in what he can do.

Through this empty streets there were a few fucked up people. They thought being in gangs was the only way to survive the assassin they named Delirious. Of course even that didn't work..And they just did drugs like mad people.

I stepped in the wrong place at the wrong time.

"Hey what you doing on our turf boy!" I heard someone say as I got surrounded

"Just on my way home guys that's all" I said trying to get passed them

*Hey this is that guy at that food place" someone said

"Oh the gay one?...That's him...Oh so you like guys huh?" A guy walked up to my face

"Well yes but there shouldn't be any probl-" I was cut off by getting pushed against a building

"Let's have fun with this guy yeah?" All at once the guys started stripping and holding me against the building

"No stop I gotta go! Get off me!" I screamed while struggling to get away

"STOP LEAVE ME ALONE!!" I screamed more when they started taking my clothes


"HELP!!!" I shouted knowing no one would hear me

Just when I thought I was a done for I closed my eyes, still struggling, and waited for the worst

But...It was all gone...The grabbing...The pulling...It went away...What?..I opened my eyes and was met with a bloody mass of bodies...What?,...I looked up and saw the assassin...In front of me...I fainted...Not because of him..Because of the blood.

I woke up in a really comfortable bed...This isn't my house.

I got up and felt a stinging pain on my side. I looked down and was met with bandages.

The door to the room opened.

"Ahh your awake I see...I bet you have a lot of questions right?" The guy said as he sat next to me with a bowl.

I nodded

" Well a group of men tried to rape you last night. Although one of the people in that group was on my list so I took care of them all...And I accidentally stabbed you on your side...So I am taking care of you...You know...I don't kill people who aren't on my list" he explained and I listened

I didnt feel shock or anything when he revealed he was the assassin more over I just was really hungry and had loads of more questions I wanted to ask him..It's not every day you meet and assassin right?

After that whole situation was down I asked him if we could hang out more..I really liked his company and I wanted to know how he would act in the real world.

The more we hung out the more I grew attached...Then out of no where he asks me

"Do you like guys?" While eating at a cafe

"Um..Yeah....If you don't wanna hang out anym-" I tried to say before he kissed me.

I...I was in shock really...I kissed back and looked at him with wondering eyes.

" Your the only one who treated me like a normal human being instead of that crazy murder on the block...And I started growing fond of you.." he said as I sat there and looked into his baby blue eyes..I kissed him and that's where this ends

"Do you wanna know how you got a hold of me Evan" Johnathan said as he hugged me closer

"Yes.." I spoke into his chest

"Because you were the only one who didn't care what my job was, even when you found out..I didn't know what being normal felt like until I met you....The joy of my life..And I love you for that" He said as he kissed my forehead

I looked up and kissed his lips. Those lips I loved. Those lips I will always carry everywhere I go.

"That's how I got my great assassin"

Wow.... Welp I'm sleepy...See ya guys later

Love 🍪's!

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