Just A Little Something

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A/n LISTEN I KNOW I HAVENT BEEN AROUND LATELY BUT I HAVE A GOOD REASON....IVE BEEN ON TUMBLR AND SHII, IM SORRY SO IM GONNA TRY TO CONTINUE MY STORIES HERE AS WELL! ALSO SIDE NOTE check out my Dreamy Nights Creek Au on Tumblr! ( https://www.tumblr.com/reblog/174980922445/HYmjmvea?redirect_to=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.tumblr.com%2Fsearch%2FDreamy%2BNights%2BAu ) right there] SOOO HERES NOTHING T O SOMETHING

"Jon I really hope this isn't another one of your stupid ideas to get me up, right?" Evan asked threw the hall

"Evan all my ideas are stupid but this is actually something worth your eyeballs" Jon explained

"Fine" He spoke again

Getting out of bed was one of the worst feeling a man could have, because the didn't poop out babies this is the worst.

And Evan knew this, from working on YouTube and the mid-day shift at pizza hut, he just wanted to high and sleep with his boyfriend.
...and yet the Delirious clown had other plans

"Alright Jon I'm up....you happy?" Evan asked as he walked into the living room

"No I not Evan..you have been working to hard for me to be happy-" Jon exclaimed

"Yes I have Jonathan. Now can we sleep?"

"Actually Not yet, First we have to go out real quick, then we can sleep."

Jon had a huge smirk on his face and dark bags under his eyes...meaning he worked hard on whatever he was planing...

"...alright..let's go then" Evan turned off all the lights and grabbed his keys.

"Yknow what...I'll drive" Evan looked at Jon like a madman but didn't hesitate to give the man the keys anyway

Timespike! (Yknow when you step on a Lego and time just smacks your ass to the future.)

"aaaannndd were here!" Jon announced to Evan

Standing in front of huge lights couldn't be what Evan thought of doing tonight but he trusted Jon....yeah

"Where are we Del?" He just so happened to ask

He grabbed his hand "oh you'll see" and led him to the front entrance

"Welcome Evan to Paradise!" He gave a look to Jon "no really the place is called Paradise...with a 'b' instead of a 'd'...weird huh?" Evan was still looking at Jon with a 'can we just go to sleep now Jon?' Face

"Are you Evan Fong?" A man in a sharp tuxedo asked

"Unfortunately yes" He replied "come with me sir"

Evan was whisked away from Jon and taken inside

"What about my boyfriend?" He just happened to ask

"He'll join shortly don't worry" He looked back at the door entrance then looked forward again to see huge jacuzzis, bar tables, casino games, and even bathing tubes.

But nothing hit him harder then the massaging tables set in front of him.

"Please Mr. Fong lay and rest while I bring your massager" Evan was surprised to see Del just standing in the doorway of the place.

"Del-" he was cutoff but a finger

"Don't talk to me yet, right now just get your massage and worry about nothing yeah?"

What the fuck did that mean? And also why did he enjoy his massage?! Really all he wanted to do was sleep with his boyfriend and here he was getting a massage, a steamy rose petal bath, a meditation lesson, 3 muscle relaxer techniques, and a five star motel room accompanied by a Purple™ bed [really those fucken things are amazing]

"Did ya like it?" Evan turned around to see his boyfriend sitting on the bed

"The hell just happened Jon?" He asked

"Well since you've been pushed under work and shit, I decided to get enough money to get you into this place..yknow get you relaxed and stress free for a bit....did it work?"

Evan looked at the door and took in what he could from the experience he just had.

"No..no it didn't" he said and moved closer to the blue idiot that sat before him


"Actually, you won't find it Jon" He stood in front of the blue man now

"And why is that Evan?"

"Well seeing as how you have bags going down your face like goo, I tend to think you haven't gotten any sleepy gathering money like a mad man for me have you?" Evan asked

"That doesn't matter" Jon tried to butt in

"Well it does to me" he lifted his boyfriend off the bed and jumped him in a comfortable position

"There was no need to look for a place like this Jon, because every time i come home and join you in bed makes me feel like I'm on cloud nine" Jon was speechless

"And besides nothing beats sleeping with you in my arms...so for the last time tonight can we go to sleep now?" Evan looked down at a flustered Jonathan

He lifted himself up to Evans level and planted a kiss on his stupid face.

When they released there two faces he finally said "yeet" and got smacked on the head

"Finally...I love you Jonathan" Evan breath out as he got under the blankets

"I love you to Evan" Jon replied back as he was stuck under his boyfriends arms.


A/n Yeet I is finished and tired so like I said I will try to come back to y'all peeps but it might take a while...yeah...bye

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