Chapter Twenty

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Nichole's POV

(One month into the tour Nichole is two months pregnant)

I take a picture of my temp and post it in Instagram with a caption.

Fucking 102 temp and I have morning sickness. Not going to school today thanks @harrystyles.

I flop on my bed and my phone buzzes with a text from Instagram.

It's Harry.

I'm sorry babe I didn't mean to. It was an accident.

A pretty big one. I type back and seconds later he writes back.

Well FaceTime I don't have to do anything today.

Okay I type back and FaceTime him.

It rang twice before he answered.

"Hi baby", he smiled.

"Hola", I say laying back into my bed

"So how you feeling", he asks.

"Good, where's your shirt", I ask noticing his tattoos.

"On the floor", he shrugs.

"O, where are the other boys", I ask curious.

"Right here", he says pointing the screen to the rest of the boys sitting on the ground in the bus playing x-box.

Liam does and turns to look at me.

"Hi little sister, so you know what happened to my x-box". he asks.

"Umm....", I drag out remembering the time I threw it out the window, because I was drunk.

"What did you do", he asks crossing his arms over his chest.

"I dropped it out a window", I say looking down.

"Really", he asks.

"I was drunk and Robbin was trying to throw it away and I grabbed it and accidentally threw it put the window", I say.

The boys laugh and Liam frowns.

"I would get you a new one but I don't want to", I say.

Harry turns his phone back around.

"Well okay then", he smiles.

"Nichole I'm taking your car keys so you don't leave why I go to see Rylee", Robbin shouts.

"Don't you fucking dare", I shout dropping my phone and running to the front door stopping her.

"Your sick I don't want you going out", she says grabbing my keys off the hook.

"You can't take my keys you bitch, give them back", I yell putting my hand out.

"No, you little slut", she says reaching her hand up.


I look back up and my keys are on the ground and she's pulling out of the driveway.


Next update tomorrow

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