Chapter 5

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God... the training exercises were easy as hell. You said to yourself boosting your confidence avoiding the one thing you weren't good at which was writing an essay on "What a hero is".
You were in the girls locker room to wait for your test results. Every girl that aspire to be a hero were around you......naked. It felt very awkward to be around girls (even if you were one) and the fact they were mostly naked the situation became awkward. Then a lady in a suit handed you a envelope.

*An C hero rank*

You paused and looked lifeless. You slowly got up from your seat. Once the other heroines left the locker, you threw a tantrum and cursed a shit ton of times. "GOD YOU MOTHERFUCKING SHIT OF AN ABOMINATION I'LL KILL THE PERSON WHO GAVE SUCH A RANK!" You punched a locker with your bare hands leaving a big hole on the locker. But slowly realizing it hurted like a motherfucker.

Walking out of the building with a damaged hand really sucked. Not only did you break your hand on the first day that wasn't from a monster but you have to drag your hand inorder to kill and fight monsters. "God I hate myself...." You heavily sighed. You regretfully headed towards your apartment which the whole neighborhood has abandoned due to many monsters lerking but the rent was too cheap to past. Besides you heard that a c ranked hero lived right next door so you felt safe by 1%.


You got into some extra large clothing that you called pajamas and rested on the marble floor with only a pillow and a small blanket. I'm so cheap. You closed your eyes, trying to go to sleep. Then memories of your childhood appeared, the first ones were happy birthdays, holidays, and family bonding before everything became wrong. Your family started to drift apart, your uncle became depressed and lost his free will until you came into the picture trying to help him in anyway. In anyway He said "Do really want to make your daddy proud?" He said in a unsettling way but the naive child that you were, you said anything. Anything.

"This is our little secret."

The nights and days alone in a bedroom were no one can hear you scream. Where everyone thought you were playing. Where everyone thought nothing was out of the ordinary. Where everyone thought he was innocent. The day where you put on your "special" clothing and go into the bedroom. The day where he touched you in places, mothers would say others shouldn't touch. The day that something was taken from you. The day where a taboo was comitted.

When your brother noticed your absences throughout many years. He began to see what was going on...when he learned the truth, he became furious with your uncle. He demanded for him to be arrested by the authorities but they were on his side. Your brother was not going to allow to this happen to you again. So he brutally killed your uncle and framed it on one of his poor servants. You knew it was him by the small droplet of blood on his kimono. He tried not laugh at his uncles funeral and told you that you should do the honors of lighting his coffin on fire. No mercy.

Ring* Ring*

Its already morning? You could've sworn that the memories you had aren't too long to past through. Oh well. You heard a crash next door but didn't think much of it.

*Level Lion monster near area*


Sorry for the long haitus, my dudes.
It's just a battle between whether I should finish this story that I'm no longer interested in continuing but since it's been a year and this story got popular real fast, I decided to finish it. Also new chapters will take a long time than usual. So please be patient with me! :)

Friends, Rival, and An Enemy Speed of Sound Sonic X Reader (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now