Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Harry's POV

I think I might love Siobhan, like for real. My heart flutters just when she smiles at me.

"Harry? Harry?!"

I get waken by a bunch of shaking and pop my eyes open.

I see Zayn in my face, a reassured expression.

"What?" I ask with my raspy, morning voice.

"You slept for the whole morning man."


I look at my clock and it says 2:13 PM.

"Haha I guess so. I'm taking a shower Zaynie."

"Yeah okay Styles."

He walks out of my room and shuts the door.

I get up from my bed and slip my tank top off. Zayn opens the door again and sees me.

"Dude you got another tat?" He asks with a lifted eyebrow.

"Yeah." I point to the obvious one on my lower left side. It's an anchor.

"Cool, anyway I wanted to say that Siobhan is out getting something. I don't know, she was really bubbly this morning."

As he says that, it reminds me of last night.

Her soft, perfect lips molded smoothly with mine. I loved that she bit my piercing, big turn on.

He exits again and I undress fully. I walk into the shower and turn it on.

I step in and feel the rush of warm water against my skin.


"Yeah Siobhan?"

She stands in the doorway with a gaped mouth as she looks me up and down.

But then again... I only have a towel hanging off my waist.

"Siobhan?" I ask, waving my hand in front of her face.

"Oh uh yeah... I just wanted to say my best friend is over, and I wanted you two to meet."

"Sure thing. Wanna stay for me to get dressed?" I wink at her.

She blushes a lot and shakes her head. How cute.

She walks out and I can hear her feet pat against the wooden stairs.

I quickly slip my skinny, dark jeans on with a black v-neck. I ruffle my hair a little bit and take a deep breath.

I wanna meet Siobhan's friend so Siobhan and I can get better to know each other, or something.

But Siobhan is mine, only mine! No one can take her from me.

I walk down the stairs and go into the kitchen where I find Siobhan and a boy?

Wait, hold up. Siobhan's friend is a guy?

"Oh Haz. This is my friend."

The friend turns around and the first thing that I catch is his hair. Blond boy.

"So you must be Haz, huh?" He asks with an Irish accent.

I don't like this dude, something is weird with him.

"Yeah I am, and you must be?" We shake hands, but he gives me a firm shake. Huh, I thought he would be a weak little Irish puss.

"My name is Niall Horan. Nice to meet you Haz."

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