Log 10

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Log 10

This morning I went to go get breakfast and when I walked out, Rebol was waiting for me. He's being so sweet, he's changing the time he eats second meal so he can eat dinner with me {Olivia's face turns bright red}

A-anyways, me and Rebol ate breakfast, then I headed to the infirmary and I was stopped by Jesgel.

"Ms. Olivia," I turn around and he sees my necklace "it appears you and Reabol have settled things?" he asked and I nodded. I guess with my shirt yesterday, no one could see my necklace because he then said, "his crest looks very good on you."

I looked at him confused, "what do up mean by that?"

He looked at me almost shocked, "you put it on with out knowing what it was?"

I stopped walking and turned to him, "okay, what is it then?"

"It is a symbol to others that you are in a relationship, as you would say, and the crest tells who it is. Getting complement like that is a great honor among our people. It is saying that they approve of your 'relationship'."

I look at him almost shocked but happy, then I realized something, "wait... but just yesterday, you were yelling at him for marking me."

"I was more worried about what you would think about it, to our people it's a normal thing, but to your people, something like that is an invasion of privacy. Plus it is accepted by some to be with one not of our race, but seen as odd or even a disgrace to others."

We start walking again, "oh, so kinda like for the LGBTQ at the beginning?"

"Yes but if you are the one my brother wishes for, I believe it will be alright."

"Thank you Jesgel that really means a lot to me," I smile.

He looks at me when we approach the infirmary, "I sense you have something else to ask, please do."

"I think it would be better to ask during the lesson."

"Very well," he walked into the area for lessons and I went to he area where the women are and I saw Justin.

"Hey Justin," I said walking up to him.

He saw my necklace and smiled "nice necklace, who's it from?"

I blushed, "Rebol..."

He laughed, "well it looks very good on you."

"Thanks..." I blushed even more, then I look at the woman in front of Justin, She's the one that Jesgel healed... kinda... "How is she?"

"She's been sick for nearly 3 months and she isn't getting any better... in fact, she's almost... gone..." he said, so very sad.

I looked at her sad and put my hand on Justin's shoulder, "we're doing all we can Justin, not even Jesgel has figured out what's going on." He sighed and nodded and my tablet beeped to let me know one of the others needed help.

"Go on ahead, I'm gonna see if I can do anything."

I nodded and walked over to the bed that called for help, it was my mom, "mom? What's wrong?"

She laughed kinda weakly, "Can't I see my daughter?"

"Well yeah, but... I'm on duty..."

"It's alright, you're too young to drink anyways," I laughed, at least she still has her sense of humor.

"Okay, Smart alec, how are you feeling?"

"Mostly tired..." I put that into the tablet, "and lonely, could you tell your father to come visit me more often?" she pouted.

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