Chapter Two: A Wedding and a Disaster

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The day was almost upon the Village; the wedding. It was the night before. Like promised all the Kunoichi of the Village had a party and all of the guys had a party. Shikamaru didn't seem very entertained. Orochimaru was present at Shikamaru's party as was Jiraiya. They ended up getting to be the most drunk next to Shikaku. They were like the three drunken musketeers.

"What a drag..." Shikamaru sat at a table.

"I hope by the time I leave here I can find some pretty ladies!" Jiraiya laughed.

"I think it's time I went looking for the ladies as well," Orochimaru randomly said.

Jiraiya laughed at him almost falling over, "You!? I don't think any woman would fall for you!"

Orochimaru narrowed his eyes, "You know, I can do great things just with my tongue. You can ask Tsunade about that!"

Shikaku, Orochimaru, and Jiraiya all ducked out of the party a bit early. Shikaku wasn't the type to go around picking up women being married so he simply went along to watch and flirt. As long as he didn't get physically involved with another woman there was nothing wrong with it. Besides, all three were beyond three sheets to the wind.

They ended up finding a group of women whom were not present at Zemaria's party. Orochimaru started throwing out puns and pickup lines involving the extensive uses of his tongue. A couple of the women were a little creeped out by it while others thought it was sexy. Jiraiya did his part to snag a few ladies.

Zemaria's party was going well. She and everyone else there were having a ball. Tsunade like her fellow Sannin was also drunk off of her ass. There was only one person out of the guys though that was not allowed to be drinking and that was Lee. Of course Zemaria wasn't drinking either being pregnant. No one wanted to let him near any saké because of his loopy fist.

By morning, Shikamaru slept at his parents' while Zemaria managed to make it home. Tsunade ironically ended up in the same bed as Orochimaru with Jiraiya and another woman in the same place. Tsunade and Orochimaru were on the bed and Jiraiya and the woman were on the floor. All four of them were naked.

Orochimaru woke up first followed by Tsunade. They realized they were naked lying in the same bed. Tsunade was confused and they stared at each other. Orochimaru grew scared by her expression of shear confused rage.

"OROCHIMARU!! How in the hell did I end up in bed with you!?" She yelled at him.

His eyes widened and he waved his hands in defense, "I swear I don't know what happened! We were all drunk! No- Don't-!"

Tsunade punched him full force. He flew from the bed and out the window dragging along with him the blanket from the bed. She punched him so hard he flew straight across the Village and went crashing into Zemaria's bedroom.

"What the hell!?" Zemaria jolted awake.

She looked at her window which was now shattered. Then she looked at the floor. There, lying face first on the floor was Orochimaru... butt naked with a blanket over top of him. He tried to move but it felt like he was paralyzed. Zemaria was confused and horrified that her father was naked on her floor!

"Father!? What the- where in the hell did you come from!?" She asked looking away.

He answered weakly, "Ask your mother..."

She blinked confused, "Mother? What did you do to piss her off now?"

He groaned still trying to stand, "Apparently in our drunken excursion we ended up in bed together. Then she punched me so hard I flew across the Village. Maybe it was luck I just happened to land in your room and not elsewhere."

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