Chapter Three: Zemaria's Abduction

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Fortunately, Orochimaru saw the whole thing. He oddly informed Tsunade who also informed Jiraiya. Orochimaru took Shikamaru to the hospital in case he was hurt worse than what appeared. The members that took Zemaria were Hidan and his partner Kakuzu. No one even knew they had infiltrated the Village.

"I'm going after them!" Orochimaru said angered.

"I can't allow you to do that," Tsunade said.

"I'm not a Shinobi of this Village anymore Tsunade! You can't stop me from going after them!" He yelled.

She tried to stop him, "Wait! You know she's my daughter too! And if they kill her or even just rough her up there's a chance she'll lose that baby she's carrying! We can't just go rushing into things!"

Naruto got wind of what was going on, "Grandma Tsunade!" He charged into the room, "Grandma Tsunade! Is it true!? Did someone from the Akatsuki abduct Zemaria!?"

Tsunade sighed, "Well there's no keeping things from you now is there Naruto?"

Jiraiya nodded, "It's true. They knocked out Shikamaru before knocking out Zemaria and taking her. The best thing to do is to send a team after them and safely bring her back before something happens to her or her baby."

"I'll kill them!" Naruto fired off his mouth as usual.

"Naruto! This is a very delicate situation! I just got through yelling at Orochimaru because he wanted to go charging in same as you! If they feel threatened by us closing in on them they might hurt her. If that happens then she could be at risk for having a miscarriage. We can't allow that to happen," Tsunade yelled at him.

The four of them tried to come up with the best plan of action in order to save Zemaria and her unborn. While they were doing that, Shikamaru for the first time defied the rules of leaving the Village without being on an official mission by leaving the Village. As the most tactical one of his generation, he planned as we went along and already had one hundred different strategies all in his head.

Zemaria, I'll get you back I swear, he thought.

Hidan was one of the hot heads in the Organization. He was also the one that cursed the most. Ever hear the expression "cursing like a sailor"? Well he was far worse than that. Kakuzu, his partner was mostly concerned about money. Not only was Zemaria a host for a tailed beast, but she was also a target to be used as bait to get Orochimaru who was on the Akatsuki's hit list if you would.

Kakuzu had Zemaria bound at the wrists and slung over his shoulder. Two days passed before they arrived at the hideout. They entered and Kakuzu set Zemaria down on the ground. She slowly started to wake up. The members of the Organization that were present were: Itachi Uchiha, Pein, Hidan, Kakuzu, and Kisame Hoshigake.

Zemaria looked around and recognized Itachi, "Itachi?"

"Well if it isn't Lady Zemaria. Orochimaru's daughter," he said.

Hidan laughs, "Shit. Orochimaru had a daughter?"

"Indeed he did," Itachi said.

"You assholes took me away on my damn wedding night!" Zemaria yelled.

Pein made an offer, "I'll make you an offer."

"And what would that be?" She asked

"I'll allow you to live for a while and in exchange, you join us," he said.

"I don't think so. I'd rather live my full life than live for x amount of time before you decide to kill me," she harshly declined.

Zemaria had her vines wrap around all of them. The vines went straight through Hidan and Kakuzu making them both look like swiss cheese. She used one to cut her ties.  Using hand signs, she disappeared and appeared outside of the hideout. She summoned a carrier snake. Most Shinobi used carrier birds, Zemaria used carrier snakes. She attached a message to its neck, used a cloaking barrier, and instructed it to find any Leaf Shinobi out looking for her.

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