Chapter 2: Coffee?

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Hey guys! If you're wondering what Destiny looks like, I uploaded a picture. If you're on mobile, it's Jo Masterson from the show Twisted! I think she's gorgeous and her looks fit perfectly to this character's personality (: 

I also got Maddie on here too, but on the last chapter. Enjoy! & thank you! (:


My eyes fluttered open, suddenly hit with a throbbing headache. I didn't drink last night, so why am I getting such a freaking headache?

Maybe it was my over thinking of crap. I seem to do that a lot. 

I roll over to my phone and quickly scroll to my texts, already having one from Maddie. 

Maddie: I won't be able to hang out today, my mom's in town. Bummer :( xx

Shucks, that's all I planned to do today. We were only going to eat and laze around, but now it's no fun without her. I scroll through my contacts, finding no one any close to interesting. I notice how Louis' number, A.K.A. the creep, is still not put in. My thumbs fly across the screen to type in his name for his contact. Lucky him that I didn't put creep on it, or even block it.

A groan escapes my lips, grabbing the pillow and throwing it across the room. Why the hell does morning ever have to come? Can I just stop time and sleep until I'm not actually tired? To think of it, I'm never "not tired" in the morning. Why the hell is that? Why can't I be normal? I bet that other people wake up refreshed. It's cause you're not normal Destiny.

Shut up, you think too much.

I roll over again. My feet touch the ground, dragging me up. I drag myself to the kitchen of my small and dinky apartment. The place was actually cute. The walls were a light beige, and the furniture matched acordingly well, thanks to my designer techiniques. My bedroom was a light blue, which was amazing, because that was my favorite color. The kitchen matched the rest of the apartment. I just loved this little place!

My phone vibrates, echoeing throughout the apartment. I sprint towards it, hoping I get someone who wants to actually talk to me. I open up the text without looking at the name. 

Louis: Hey what's up? (: xx

Damn it, really? After yesterday, I thought he would leave me alone. At least give it a week!

Destiny: Lol nothing at all. Why are you texting me? xx

Louis: Same. Oh, I wanted to apologize for being stupid yesterday. xx

Destiny: Alright. xx

Louis: Really, I am sorry! Can I make it up to you with some coffee? At that little shop? xx

Destiny: Is it on you? And food, cause I'm extremely hungry. xx

Louis: Deal! Come in a half hour? xx

I reply letting him know I'm coming. The guy is buying me free food, so who can let down that offer?

Not me, let me tell ya. 

I put my hair up in a ponytail and put on some clean clothes, not making effort to match. I grab my skateboard and my bag as I sprinted out the door. I am not going out of my way to impress him. No guy needs my hard work, especially with this mop of hair.

I cruise down the block, passing the busy people of New York. Receiving dirty looks was the best part of this place. Everyone is so dressed up for really nothing, just to impress one another. I believed strictly to my dress code. As long as my chest isn't hanging out of my shirt like every other girl here, I'm fine. I'll even wear sweats as I walk with my head held high. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2014 ⏰

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