T W E N T Y- F I V E

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I pull up in my niece high school parking lot and sit waiting for her to come out. Mexico was boring as hell and there wasn't no hoes. LJ agreed with me and as soon as business was done we brung our black asses back home.

The bell rings and kids immediately busted out through the doors. I get out and two skinny white girls walks past. One of them whispers to the other about me and I shake my head. They too young and too skinny for me. Not that I got anything against skinny white girls.

"Oh my gosh. Carmelo why are you here?", I turn around and see Kay'anna. She has her hair in braids and she wearing a baseball jersey and some damn daisy dukes.

"Oh hell nah what the fuck do you have on?", I ask her disapproving her outfit.

"Clothes, duh.", she replies smartly. A few mannish ass boys walk past and stare at her.

"Y'all can move the fuck on.", I state loud enough for them to hear me. They see the look on my face and rush off.

"Please let's just leave. You are so annoying and controlling. Your kids are gonna hate you.", she says smartly. I get back in my car and she follows suit.

"Remember them smart ass comments when you need something. I'm not having kids anyway", I reply sticking my tongue out. Kay'anna rolls her eyes and I pull off fast.

"Why did you pick me up? I could have walked home.", she tells me looking out of the window. I smirk and shake my head. Kids these days.

"With them shorts on? Nah I don't think so. Yo dad told me how you outta control.", I tell her. She gets a blank face and shrugs.

"So. It's not like he in my life anyway.", she says getting smart. I pull up to a red light at an intersection. I look over at her and snatch her phone. She gasps and I look at what she was just looking at.

"Kay you didn't", I drop her phone and look at her in disgust. "You sending nudes now? Kay what is going on with you?",

She folds her arms and chews on her gum. I know she ain't deaf and she can hear me. "Kay answer me", I demand her. I pull off when the light turns green and she folds her legs.

"It makes me feel good.", she says dryly.

"Makes you feel good? What when a dude fuck you and leave you? That only leads to one thing and that's exposing you. Kay I know your dad is in jail now. I miss my brother just like you do. But that doesn't give you the okay to go out and be a hoe!", I tell her.

"I am . Not . A . Hoe!", she says through gritted teeth.

"Oh really?", I ask testing her. "You sending nudes and fucking random guys isn't a Hoe? Kay you used to be top in your class. Always on your shit. Now you just.. shit I don't even know.", I say gripping the steering wheel.

"Being a geek and shit gets you no where in life.", she says like she know everything. I pull the car over and turn her head towards me. "Ow! Get off of me!", she yells.

"Watch yo damn mouth little girl. You ain't to old to get that ass beat. Being a geek gets you places. It gets you a job and a legit life, unlike me and your dad. I wish I did have the chance to do good shit like you. Now you are disappointing your dad and me. Get yo shit together.", I tell her. She looks at me and her eyes gets glossy. "I don't mean to make you cry"

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