2. Walls Keep On Building.

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Song of the chapter.

The luminiers- hey ho.

I can already tell she's not from around here,  something is telling me that she's just not around here and maybe because she has that thing we don't  have.
She touches me again. Her eyes look away again when they meet mine,  I'm  not sure when they all will get tired of the exercise they give their eyes and I'll maybe there to witness it.

"huh? " my earphones
are now being pulled out of my ears.

"My shift is over. We have to go home" she sometimes treats me like a child,  like she's  scared I'll  break and because I'm the one who found our Mom, but she doesn't  know I found her even before I opened the door.

I'm getting up and I dread the trip home. That place is just a place of cries and nightmares,  it fucks me up in a way that keeps us swimming in thick poison and I'm suffocating.

He's  just never there to witness it.

"Nice meeting you,  Jared " she says from her book and this has me stopping on my tracks,  nobody has ever dared to utter those words to me. It's just something that never happens and I don't  remember anyone thinking an encounter with me was pleasant, this girl sounds like she means it and it's rather unsettling to know so.

I'm not impressed or disappointed by it,  because I'd  hate to be attached to a stranger's words. Words that mean nothing to me,  I might add.

"Sure.. "

"Gina, Georgina" her hand is actually extended towards me. She's invading my space right now and the way her hand is hanging in the air is rather awkward to witness and I know Amy will talk non-stop about this if I leave it like that.

"Yeah, Gina"

I'm nodding towards her as I'm  getting up from the table. The way words fall off out her lips carelessly and effortlessly bothers me more than I can ever admit. It's  like her words are telling me this while she means that and hate,  I  fucking hate it and I can't tell you how  much I hate it. The skin on my wolf shoulder is itching,  that's how much I hate it and not even the sweetest melody that used to sooth an angry ocean can ever sooth the termoil that I carry within me. It's not a defense, don't  get me wrong and it's not because of how her words sound to my ear,  no. It's  how it's loud in my soul and there's  no other way to say it or describe it. She just does and I hate it more than I hate seeing my Father's face or hearing him make empty promises to Rosy and I think I might hate it more than I hate seeing her learn about how everyone disappoints her.

I'm letting my sister walk out first and then I follow behind her.

She's giving me one those 'I'm sorry about everything'  smiles,  which are never necessary really. She just has to carry the weight on her shoulders,  why can't  she be like Dad? Pretend we don't exist and hide away from us,  I think that's rather simple than trying to make me feel better when I feel nothing at all.
"I'll  drive. You look tired"

"Don't I always look tired? " I'm  asking her.

A smile is growing on her small face. Every time I smile back at her or say anything she takes it as somewhat of an achievement.

"Not really,  but you did stay up late helping me study and do your assignment at the same time"  she's looking away from my eyes.

"Right. It's cool,  it's  not like Nikolai or Rosy could have helped you" I'm  handing her the keys to the navy truck that's  looking at us with too much grin and color. Of course Nikolai takes care of am emotionless object like a car and treat it so nicely.

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