6. Before Morning Comes.

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Guys please read my book.  Like really... This is my baby!!!

Song of the chapter :

White stripes - seven nation Army.

Italics mean its  a dream.

They all start like this and it always  feels  like my skin is ripping apart,  like it's  teeth are freshly being deepened into my shoulder and the air knocked out of my chest.

I'm  losing my eyesight slightly and all I can hear are whispers and howls.

My heart is hammering violently against my chest as I'm trying to stand,  but I'm falling on my knees while the outside  is calling to me.

I'm  breathing fine now but I'm on my back yard again and the dark is pulling me towards a space of panic and fear. My body is giving out at the one sound that is calling to me has my breath gone and I'm  crashing into the ground and like always everything goes black.

My eyes open and close,  voices are around me and whispering things I can't here.

Something  is gragging me somewhere and my eyes are closing again.

I smell blood.

I taste blood in my mouth.

I hear a loud scream before it's  turning into a whimper  and my body is crashing against something hard.

I don't know what my hands are doing,  but I can feel something cold and still.

My eyes don't  stay opened.

The open so quick that I meet the bright red eyes in front of  me and I'm  trying g to get away from this animal, but it's  digging its  paws on my shoulder so hard I let a scream escape my mouth and another scream feels the night.

She looks different at night and her hands full of mud, she's  digging for something. There's  blood on her white dress while my own mouth is dripping with blood,  my shirt is stained.

"Strawberry? "

She looks more scared than I am and I know why.

Her face is showing from the ground, it's  pale and blue. My eyes are widening at the sight of her neck,  it looks like it was ripped into pieces by an animal using its teeth.

I can feel my legs give out from under me and the dark swallows me into this silence.

Just silence.

Nothing but my heartbeat and the heavy breathing.

I'm in my room and I know it was just a dream. I think it was a dream,  it must have been a dream and this one is different.

This one had two people in it and one was dead.

What is Danny doing in my dream? What happened to her? Why would I dream about a dead girl and Gina.

What's  wrong with me ?!

I'm  getting up from up my bed,  my feet land on the cold floor and I know I won't  be able to sleep again. I'm dragging my self to the bathroom and flipping the lights on.

I think I have stopped breathing.

My t-shirt is covered in fresh blood and mud,  my shoulder hurts like hell and my body is shivering,  my arms are cold like I have been outside for too long.

I'm stumbling back to my room and I'm  ripping the sheets off my bed while my hands are trembling. I'm  on my feet with the the sheet and winning the blood frantically,  I'm  scrubbing and rubbing it off from the floor like my fucking life depended on it.

At this point my mind can picture my own teeth doing that to her.

I'm  stashing my shirt and sheet at the bottom of my closet before I sink to the floor and bury my face in my hands.

It was only a dream,  nothing going major. This is only part of it,  part of my imagination that runs too fucking wild and nothing more.

I'm  up and into the shower.

The water cannot wash the smell away,  it's strong on my nostrils and all I can see is her face,  how cold it felt and blue it was.

I'm a step away from insanity.

I'm telling you.

I need to get put on room.

I'm  throwing on sweats and a goodie.  My phone is on my hand as I'm going down the stairs careful not to wake anybody up,  because  the last thing I need is Amy's twenty questions  and her worry.

Voice-mail Mom left for you.

Missed call on 11.01.2016.at 03.54.27.pm.

Open inbox.

" Jared, I know I'm not going to scold you about your tattoos instead I'll just tell you to keep something  from me. (sniffing is on the background)  it's in your laptop. I love you. I hope you know that ''

That's  all she's  leaving me with and nothing more.

This dream has ruined sleep for me and now I have to face whatever my Mother left behind before morning comes and it's  the last thing I want to do,  but I guess she wanted me to. She wanted me to find her secrets

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