Chapter 1

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Your POV

I walked downstairs with Olive and Emma to go eat dinner. I sat next to Fiona, one of my closest friends in the loop. Enoch glared at me from across the table, I ignored him like I had been since me and my brother joined the loop. We all ate in silence like we always did, it was always very awkward when we ate. Of course I didn't mind this because I didn't have to hear Enoch's obnoxious insults and voice, I don't know why he hated me and Jake so much. Fiona and I finished, we ran up to our room so we could talk, "It's getting really bad between you and Enoch isn't it?" She asked concerned. I simply nodded, sighing. Its been about 6 months since we joined, "Its strange... He usually warms up to new peculiars by now" She sighed. Fiona had been there for me since the start, me and Jake had each other and Emma also had Jake's back. I caught a glimpse of something behind Fiona, it was my journal but it was floating in the air, "Millard, put my journal back" I laughed at his pathetic attempts at stealing it. "And please put your clothes back on before miss Peregrine sees you!" I said, quickly thinking about my words, he laughed and shut the door when he left. I had come to the fact that Millard loved sneaking around and getting his nose into things. Shortly after, we heard a scratching at our door. Fiona went to open it, it was one of Enoch's dolls, it ran over to me with a note in its hand. I grabbed it and unfolded it, "(Y/N), leave the loop with your dumb brother or else!" I read off the paper. We both groaned at his 100th attempt to get me and Jake to leave, at this point it was getting very annoying. "Or else what? He's gonna come after us with his doll army?" I mocked sheepishly as Fiona laughed, I threw the doll on the ground and smashed it with my foot. I put the tiny pieces into a bag, along with the note which I had now ripped up, and walked into Enoch's room. He wasn't in it, I ran to his bed and scattered the assorted items under his covers, quickly running back out before getting caught. It was almost time to go to bed, Fiona and I got into our night clothes and got into bed.

Enoch's POV

I pulled my covers and saw scattered pieces of one of my homunculi and ripped up paper, "(Y/N)" I growled under my breath. She always pissed me off, along with Jacob and I never really knew why... I hated Jacob because I had this constant feeling he was gonna be like abe and leave all of us, but (Y/N) I never had a reason. I shoved the pieces off my bed and sat on it, thinking for a few moments. I laid down and pulled my blankets and covers over me, I fell asleep.

I woke up, yawning. Slowly, I inched my way off my bed, I stepped on something and it jabbed into my foot, "Ouch!" I yelled, quickly covering my mouth. I moved the pieces with my feet so I could get up, I walked down the hallway and down the stairs. Not even the bird was up yet but I wanted to get some fresh air, when I got out to the yard it was foggy and grim, just the way I liked it. I stepped onto the grass which was covered in morning dew and smiled, the dew felt nice on my feet. I walked by the trees and sat on one the branches, getting lost in my thoughts. I found myself thinking about (Y/N), and trying to find a reason for why I hated her but I couldn't, I realized I have been hating her for 6 months without reason. "I don't care, I hate her" I kept saying aloud, "Why are you talking to yourself?" I heard someone say, I jumped and fell of the tree branch. I heard laughing, I was soon drenched in dew, a hand appeared in front of me. Looking up I saw (Y/N), trying to keep her laughter in, I took her hand hesitantly, I hated what I was doing. She pulled me up and let go of my hand, "I thought only leaves could fall off trees" she snickered, I shoved her into the dewy grass. She screamed as she fell, I laughed like she did to me, I loved seeing her in any negative mood. I was about to go back inside, when something wrapped around my ankle and pull me back into the grass, "(Y/N)! Let me go!" I yelled at her.

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