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[Kyle POV]

Moments later, we wake up, dazed and blurry. I then look around to see that Olivia, was nowhere to be found.

"They took her..." I say.

"Well, we have to find her." Says Katie.

"Now why would they capture her, I thought they wanted her dead?" Asks Arthur.

"Apparently they want her alive, but for what reason, I don't know." I say.

[Olivia POV]

I then wake up, what looks like an office room, I could not tell, because my vision was blurred. I then see that I am trapped in a chair, handcuffed to the arms. I then look over to my right, and I see the two creeps that captured me, talking to each other. My vision then fades out again, but when it comes back in, I see a mysterious man, with curly hair, staring at me.

"Hello... You must be Olivia Sparks, the Prime Shifter." The Mysterious Man says to me.

"Who the hell are you?" I ask him.

"Me, I'm just like you, I'm a shifter. I have been watching you for a long time." He says.

"Where am I?" I ask him.

"My home, I brought you here for a reason." Says The Mysterious Man.

"Why do you have me confined to this chair?" I ask, trying to stay awake.

"Precautions Ms. Sparks, precautions had to be taken." He says.

The mysterious man then walks towards his two thugs.

"These are my colleagues, Eric Bane and Danica Shadows, you've met them before." The Mysterious Man says, while his thugs look on.

"Why did you send them to kill me?" I ask him.

"At first, I wanted to kill you, but then I came to a realization." He says.

The mysterious man then leans in towards me, with menacing intent.

"I've come to realize that I need your help. You see, a long time ago, my mother was a friend of your parents, they were business colleagues, worked in the CIA, just as you would. One day, my mom was killed, saving their lives from a stray bullet. I was left, without a mother to raise me." The Mysterious Man explains.

"What does this have to do with me?" I ask.

"After my mother's death, I came to the revelation that she was a Shifter, just like your parents. So, I went to your parents, pleading with them to reverse time, so that I can save my mother, but they said no. It would be the biggest mistake they ever made." Says The Mysterious Man.

"You... Killed my..." I say, with a sound of shock.

"Yes, I killed them. I am the one whom you have been looking for, ever since you were in the CIA. My name is Deckard, Owen Deckard." He says to me.

"You son of a bitch..." I say with anger in my voice.

"I am truly sorry, but I had no other choice." Owen Says to me.

"You owe me a life, you bastard!" I shout.

"And your parents owed me my mother's life!" He shouts back at me.

"Now, the way I see it, since I killed your parents, you are responsible for helping me now. I need you to help me save my mother." Owen says.

"No, I can't do that..." I say to him.

Timeshifters: Special Edition (WIA1YR Winner: Best Sci-Fi Story)Where stories live. Discover now