Day 4

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"What are you talking about?" I said looking at him trying to seem convincing. "You know what I'm talking about." Grayson said. "I was kidding, I'm just metaphorically dying because of work." I said whispering to seem convincing. I'm lying. I love work. I'm also not metaphorically dying. I'm literally dying. "Oh okay." He said walking back over to the kids. Thank goodness.


After yesterday's fiasco, I'm glad I was a convincing liar. It's not that I WANT to keep things from Grayson per say... I just don't want to have him treating me like a baby. Dang. I have 28 days left to live. It's all starting to hit me. Today I REALLY have to work. I woke up Kristin and we walked to the kitchen. "How was yesterday?" She said half-yawning. "It was great." I said smiling. It really was, obviously I would've preferred another location.. but the idea was there. "Yep Ethan's a cutie." She said and then her eyes went wide. Mine did too. "YOU SAID ETHAN." I said screaming of excitement. "Okay if I did, what does that mean to you?" She said trying to switch the subject to me. "I would say that he better come to the cafe with Grayson." I said. "Okay whatever we have to go. 

We arrived at the cafe and walked inside. Kristin grabbed a rag and some cleaner. "Ah I love the smell of cleaner and coffee beans in the morning." She said sarcastically. I cracked up laughing and grabbed the other cloth to help her clean up the tables. My phone went off saying it was time to open so I grabbed the sign and switched it. I put my hair in two quick braids and got ready for the day. Today I was feeling some Zayn so that's what I put on the music speaker. 

Within a few minutes a man about 80 years old came in with a bright smile. He comes in every once in awhile, I always give him free coffee. "Hello Mr. Jefferson!" I said walking around the counter to give him a hug. "Hello deary." He said hugging me back. "The usual?" I said. He always orders black coffee and a fruit bowl. He nodded and went over to Kristin to say hello. He's honestly the cutest old man. He tried to get me with his grandson when I was a little younger actually. 

It was about 12:00 and I saw Ethan walk through the door. He walked right over to Kristin and they were talking. I kept hoping to see Grayson walk through the door but that didn't happen. Soon I saw Ethan take Kristin's phone and type something in. A phone number probably. Kristin looked so happy. They walked over and Ethan said "Hey can I have just a second with you in private?" I nodded and said "Yeah of course." We walked to the back. "Can Kristin have the rest of the day off?" Ethan said. "Oh um yeah sure." I said. As much as I need her, she needs this. We walked out and I saw Ethan and Kristin get excited and then walk out. Great. Boring town here I come. 

It was 4:00 and I've had at least 50 costumers for some reason. There's a lot of them. As good as business is, it's been difficult to handle with just me. I heard the door open and saw Grayson in a uniform with Kristin's name tag. "What in the world are you doing?" I said laughing. "My stupid as heck brother left you here all alone on a Monday at a coffee shop. When they came over to my house and I saw how busy this place was I took Kristin's uniform because you need help." He said. "Oh my gosh bless you." I said. "Yeah yeah whatever, how do I make all this stuff?" Grayson said pressing buttons on the coffee machine. "I'll show you." I said pulling his hands away. 

"Okay to make black coffee press this button. This is the first step to all of our drink options other than hot chocolate and juices of course." I said showing him the correct button. "Oh okay gotcha." Grayson said. "Here are some recipe cards for every drink we offer. Just put in how ever much of the ingredient there is on the card." I said handing him lamenated cards with recipes. "Is that all?" He said looking surprised. I nodded and laughed. Just then it hit 5:00 and I knew there was gonna be a big crowd. The 5 o' clock rush. 

As I predicted, there was a big crowd of people walking into the cafe by the minute. "Grayson you ready?" I said looking at him. "Yes!" He said getting excited. "Hello I need a peppermint latte." The first woman said. She handed me her debit card and I scanned it. I handed it back to her. "That'll be out in just a minute ma'am." I said and she walked away. "I'm on it!" Grayson said and made the black coffee. He started to pour the cream and then turned to me. "Oh this is the easiest I've got this." He said with confidence. I looked down at his drink and it was overflowing with cream. "GRAY YOUR CREAM!" I said yelling. He turned and dropped the empty cream bottle. "Whoops." He said wiping the cream off the counter. I just laughed. About 10 minutes later he finished the drink and by then the lady was a little annoyed from what I could tell. 

Three hours later, we were done. The last costumer walked out the door and I switched the sign. "HOW in the HECK do you do that?" Grayson said with bags under his eyes. "Hahaha I love it." I said walking over to me. "You're welcome." He said sarcastically. "Thank you, Grayson." I said whispering close to his ear. He shook his body a little and said "Why do you do that?" I laughed. "What ever do you mean?" I said looking innocent. "Makin' me like you all the time." Grayson said looking and running his hands through his hair. "That is NOT my fault." I said taking off my apron. "Yeah yeah whatever." He said taking off his. Well, Kristin's. We walked over to the door. 

"I had a good time." Grayson said grabbing my arms. "Well I did myself." I said smiling. "Good." He said moving his head close to mine. I smiled and stared at his eyes. They're really gorgeous honestly. Easy to get lost in 'em. "Would you get angry if I held your cheeks like this?" He grabbed my cheeks. I nodded no. "Would you be angry if I came this close to you?" He moved his head even closer. I nodded no. "Would you be angry if I kissed you?" He said and kissed me. I nodded no without breaking from his lips. It started to rain and he pulled away and took off his jacket. He threw it around my shoulders and ran to his truck. "Grayson." I yelled and he turned around. 

"Call me Gray." 

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