Chapter 4

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   It was if is was all a bad dream. The bully confrontation, the sex, the part where Dad almost killed me. I opened my eyes to see that I was in a crib. I looked at my hands to see that I was still a baby. "There's my little Gossamer!" Said a voice. I turned to see this woman grab me, but she looked familiar. Then it hit me. She was my mother. She slowly picked me up and cradled me in her arms. For the first time in a really, really long time, I felt loved. I felt safe because someone cared for me. I was about to close my eyes and enjoy this dream when Dad burst into the room. Mom put me down into my crib. "Sebastian, what's wrong this-" Mom couldn't even finish her sentence before being hit by Dad with an empty beer bottle. Mom stumbled back, dazed by what had just happened, but Dad didn't stop. He took out a knife and showed Mom what he had in his hands, two tickets to Atlanta, Georgia. Dad threw them on the ground. He charged for her. He kept stabbing and stabbing and stabbing and stabbing.............

  I was glad to have woken up. I found myself in my room instead of the living room. I rolled out of bed and slowly made my way downstairs. Dad was nowhere to be seen. I shrugged and turned on the T.V to see what was on. I kept channel surfing until I saw a news broadcast. "Reporting news. We have reports of a missing child, Maxwell Leeroy, who did not return to his home after he was let of school on Tuesday, January 29th. There have been no eye witnesses to tell what happened to him, and police officers are doing everything they can to find him." The news anchor informed. I shut off the T.V. Max was gone, it had just hit me, so I had a big grin on my face. I left home for school, taking my plastic bag with me.

  It was an actually good day. I handed in my homework for once. Without Max to bully me, I felt like I was the king of the world. At lunch I sat down in my regular spot, but Wilson joined me right away. I was puzzled. "You didn't get lunch?" I asked. Wilson nodded no. "I had a big lunch yesterday." He added. I just slouched back and saw the balcony, wishing so much to eat there, just once. I sighed and took out a book, knowing it's never gonna happen. 

The rest of the day was more or less the same as before. I walked home with Wilson, and said bye when I had to go home. I sighed and slowly opened the door, expecting Dad to hit me with a baseball bat, but to my surprise, he wasn't there. I was confused, but took this time to enjoy some quality television. On the table there was an envelope with a big stamp that said RENT. I went pale. Dad was supposed to pay the rent. I slouched on the couch, worried if they might send me to an orphanage or something. I just hoped Dad would get the money. I decided to just shake off the thought and take a shower with actual warm water.

I went to sleep that night, wondering. Why did I dream of Mom? Where is Max and Dad? Why should I care? Where am I gonna go? I shook off these thoughts with some needed sleep.

The next day wasn't that much different, but Wilson surely was. He seemed more cruel and hostile than before. Especially during recess. We were just enjoying a game of cards when he caught wind of the playboy reading kids. He immediately ran over there. "Wilson?" I asked, but he didn't reply. He ran over to the group and snatched their magazines. "Hey man what the hell?" One said. He tried to get back his magazine, but was knocked straight out by Wilson. The crowd was piling in on them, and soon I lost sight. I crept through the bushes to get a better angle, and I saw it. Wilson took a lighter and burned their magazines! The kids punched Wilson. They kicked him, they pulled his hair. The crowd just chanted "FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!" As I just watched from the bushes, wondering why Wilson wasn't fighting back.

Soon enough, security guards split up the fight. The kids were taken to the principal, while Wilson went to the nurse. Later that day I heard the kids got suspended, while Wilson got off scot-free. I went to sleep that night wondering what had come over Wilson.

The day after that was worse. Wilson got even more cruel, and by the looks of it, fatter. As if he was eating fried chicken for everything, breakfast, lunch, dinner, you name it. This time at lunch, Wilson did the in-imaginable: He walked straight into the balcony.


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