Surprising Island

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Gladion POV
    I can't believe I actually did it. I left my home. I ran away. It doesn't make me weak, right? I'm not weak! I'll never be weak! I was on my way anywhere but my home at the Ather Foundation, I couldn't go back ever. I took Null and ran until I reached the smallest, most hidden island in Alola. I'm never going back and I'm never going anywhere where they can find me again. Sure, I'll miss my sister and Wickie, but I sure as hell won't miss that bitch who I called mother.
    I scoured the island for food and a source of water that could keep me and Null alive. There were a few tall trees with coconuts on them as well as a small berry bush that Null had pointed out to me. After a quick snack of one berry each, we set out to explore the large rock that was growing vegetation. Though there wasn't much, only a few more trees that didn't appear to be growing anything edible, there was a cave low to the ground. It's darkness and oceanic scent coaxed me to go into the cave.
    The roof of the cave was low and dripping with water, making the floor wet and a bit slippery. N-not that I slipped or anything! (A/N: He did slip. But only once when no one was around, so 'it doesn't count'.) The stalactites were all over the place and fairly high, some almost as tall as me. Even still, I kept walking until I heard a splash. Was there a lake in this cave? Maybe. But I figured that it was just a Zubat or something. I kept walking, making my way carefully through the cave. Then I heard a voice. I couldn't hear what they said, but I know I heard a voice. I followed the source of the noise which took me to a small path that lead straight ahead.
    A vaporeon cheered and then a chinchu. Water type pokemon. But aren't they usually in the sea? I continued on until the cave opened up into a small, dome-shaped almost room with a relatively small pool of water where the two water types were along side a humanlike figure in the water. He must have be the owner of the voice I had heard. He turned his head toward me and a look of shock crossed his face. He looked like he wanted to dive back into the pool, but at the same time he was frozen. I guess I look scarier than I thought.
    I was about to ask him why he was staring at me like that, but he turned and dove back into the water. Then I saw the reason. A glimmering green tail splashed into the water behind him. He was a merman and he probably thought I was going to eat him or some junk. I shrugged as I turned to leave when I realized I just saw a fucking mermaid!

(I most definitely will not be updating for at least a week because of school. Here's a chapter that will (hopefully?) tide you over until then. ~Rennenae) (There also might be artwork on the way)

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