Gay Panic

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    My gills flared with fear and embarrassment. I could feel every bone in my body screaming for me to dive into the deepest water I could find and never return. Then why did I stay even longer? Why did I stare even longer? Why was I so drawn to this— this fin frying, pyromaniactic, tree destroying, shore polluting human? Even though he doesn't look all that malicious, Gramps said that they do all that stuff all the time. I should be disgusted, not enchanted. Why am I like this?
    "Huuuuuman!" Moon waved her arms around madly. "Hellooooo! Can. You. Un. Der. Stand. Usssss??" She cupped a hand around her mouth to make her voice extra loud. The human on the shore blinked and staggered back, seemingly terrified. He looked just as petrified as I was. "Are you deeeeaf? Do humans have sign language?" Moon continued shouting. "Is this the human version of gay panic?" If the relentless girl's goal was to make the human talk, she succeeded with that one.
    "What?" The human seemed to snap out of his terror for a moment of confusion.
    "Ah Ha! I knew it!" She smiled that devious smile that she always smiled whenever a plan of hers came into fruition.
    "What the actual hell is happening right now?" The human took a shaky step forward. I then noticed the weird pokemon sitting near him on the beach. The pokemon was staring directly at me. I don't know how long it's been staring actually. I sank back into the water a little bit, intimidated by its unnatural gaze.
    "Well, my friend here found this little island by sea-cave this morning," Moon started to say. "Care to chime in before I get everything wrong?" Knowing her, she'd probably spin a tale about how I fell madly in love with the human and dragged her over here to see him again. I sighed into the water and looked up at the human, still kinda terrified.
    "Y-yeah, I told her about, w-well, seeing you in the sea cave. I, uh, kinda thought you were going to find the whole pod and kill us or eat us or something. Then she dragged me here because she has a death wish and a pension for getting into trouble." My voice felt shaky and weird out of the water.
    "Well, sorry to disappoint your weird friend, but I'm the only human on this island." The boy sat down in the sand by the edge of the water. I visibly relaxed while Moon made a motion kind of like a groan. "Also, I don't eat mermaids."
    "Maaan, that's no fun at all." Moon flopped onto the sand. "Adventuring sucks when there's no stakes."
    "Shouldn't that be a good thing?" The human pointed the words at Moon like daggers. I smiled, knowing that I was not in the presence of a mad mass murderer and instead on the beach with a finless, land-dwelling mermaid. Moon grumbled something to herself. The boy smirked and I almost fell apart. He was extremely pretty in the moonlight. His skin was as white as the sand, but his hair still glittered with the warmth of the day. Those green eyes pierced my heart in a way I'd never felt before. "Besides," his voice brought be out of my love-stricken daze. "Most humans don't even think mermaids exist."

(*crawls out of coffin* hi, did this account die and become irrelevant yet? No? ....dammit...guess I gotta write some more... -Ren)

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