In the Night (Hau Version)

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    That night, I awoke to a certain someone shoving my shoulder. I rolled around to find a comfortable position amid the assault, pretending like it wasn't happening and I was still asleep. Unfortunately, I've always been a light sleeper and it was becoming painfully obvious that this person wouldn't leave me be. I opened my eyes to see Moon holding a Finneon close to her side. The pokémon's light allowed me to see her energetic smile.
    "Hey, do you wanna go late-night-surface-exploring?" My seemingly nocturnal friend and I would go on escapades to the surface of the water at night sometimes. This time, however, there was something almost sinisterly mischievous in her eyes.
    "No," I mumbled in reply. "I just wanna sleep."
    "Buuut you're awake noooow." She continued to poke my cheek. "So why not go with me? C'mon, just for a little bit? It'll be like two minutes!"
    "There's no stopping you, is there..." I sighed and stretched my arms before swimming with her to the surface.

    The moon was bright that night. The sky was peaceful and Moon's Finneon seemed happy to be out in the night. We swam with our backs toward the depths and our faces focused on the sky. It was so beautiful. Then, Moon got that look in her eye again and took my arm. " you wanna know why I brought you out here?" She smirked evilly. I gulped anxiously. "We're gonna find that human that you're crushing on!" I went pale at that remark. Then, the she-devil dragged me in the direction of where she thought the island would be.
    After a while of swimming and a little fighting and bickering on my part, we reached a slab of rock jutting out of the ocean. "That's an island, probably." Moon looked up at the rock formation. "Let's go!"
    "No! No way! That's enough surface exploring for one night, let's go back now." I edged toward the pod and the reef.
    "But we're so close! C'mon! What if he's awake! It's just one human, we can take 'em!" Moon grabbed my arm again. "Besides," she whispered. "What about the Sharpedo? It's dangerous to swim alone at night." I paled at the mention of ravenous Sharpedo. They are very viscous at night. Once again, I followed her reluctantly. It was going to be a long night.

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