6. Plotting goes awry

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if you are new to Mai and Ethan's story, please read the prequel, special tutoring (rated mature)


Qin and I settle into a gabled room with a pretty floral wallpaper, and winged chairs upholstered in a tasteful peach. Little kitty figurines sit on the mantelpiece over the fireplace. Since it is summer, the fireplace is empty except for a dried flower centerpiece. The boys are given the room beside ours. While I am disappointed that I cannot share a room with Ethan but then again, I wouldn't want my poor sister to have to share a room with her enemy, i.e. Bastian.

Ethan suggests that we girls to rest in the room while he and Bastian bring in the luggage from the car. Since the car park is some distance away and my feet are a wreck from toddling on cobbled stones for hours, I don't protest this arrangement. Tossing myself on the quilt the second the door closes behind Ethan, I swear to myself I am going to change into sensible shoes and jeans like Qin. No more wardrobe malfunctions.

Qin is in a good mood, because for once she isn't reaching up to touch her necklace. Instead she is re-arranging our bouquets in the vase that Ingrid provided, humming as she sorts the pretty flowers.

The church bell tolls in the near distance, dispelling the lazy, companionable silence in the room.

"That was weird, wasn't it?" I decide to ask my sister for her perspective. I can't wrap my mind around why Herr Kaufman would explode like that. Except...

"Maybe they told him that we are going to visit the Von Äretins after this," Qin says, as she tucks in the calla lilies into one side of the floral arrangement.

"Why do you think that?"

"From what little I understand, their name kept popping up alot."

"Herr Kaufmann must really hate them."

"I would too, if they kept me away from my only child for more than 10 years. That said, I am glad that Ingrid stepped in and calmed Herr Kaufmann down."

"Me too. Ethan's stepmother is nice, isn't she? Ethan is slow to warm to people, so when I saw him chatting away with her, I totally could tell that her personality must be on fleek." I say, my eyes on the timbered ceiling. I suppose they don't have termites in Germany, otherwise they will have a field day with the town and all its ancient wood.

"I don't think they are married to each other. Ethan did call her his father's partner."

"What do you think Mom will say if I did that with Ethan?"

"She will haul your butts to church. Or Dad will break Ethan's legs." My sister giggles. Unlike my adoring fangirl mother, Daddy tolerates Ethan.

"Sorry, because of me, you can't share a room with Ethan."

"It's ok, you're supposed to be my chaperone. It's not like we can arrange for a third room, and I don't think you will want to share a room with that man."

To my knowledge, there is no love lost between Bastian and Qin, after the quarrel they had some months ago, when he blocked her car in the hotel car park for hours and then proceeded to argue with her over whether he should compensate her parking fee.

"Bastian is not that bad." I blink at the ceiling twice.

Rolling over on the bed to face my sister, I ask, "did I hear you wrongly? Bastian is not that bad?"

"Yes, I did say that. Despite his attitude, you have to admit that he has been pretty accommodating towards Ethan and us. Picking us up at the airport and then coming all this way to meet Ethan's dad must have wrecked havoc in his own plans. Then he even brings us around and explains the sights. I understand how sometimes good intentions go unappreciated simply because of unfavorable impressions. Bastian has a good heart."

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