Out of It

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Caroline's POV:

The funny thing about life is that you never know what's going to happen next. No matter how hard you try to control your life, somehow your life ends up controlling you. Sometimes the only thing you can do is give up control once in a while.

Sometimes, the only thing you can do is live.


"No, no, no! The pattern is supposed to be red, white, red, green not red, white, green! Take this down and do it right!" I snap at the mildly scared 4th year Hufflepuff, who is currently decorating tree #64 in hallway #38. I huff before moving onto the next tree. But upon seeing a 2nd year Ravenclaw boy putting an angel on top of the tree my eyes narrow and I stomp up to the boy.

"No! This hallway is supposed to be only stars on top of trees! Angels only go on top of trees in odd numbered hallways! Come on people you all had time to memorize the floor plans!" I exclaim throwing my hands up in the air.

This was going to be a long day...


By the time I had finally finished chastising every single person on the Holiday Tree Decorating Committee, I was just about ready to bang my head on the wall. Doesn't anyone understand that when someone gives you a map of where all of the trees where supposed to go and how each and everyone of them is decorated you should memorize it?! I swear, the laziness in these last few generations has been through the roof!

With a slight frown on my face I make my way into the Great Hall, scanning the room for a friendly face to sit next to. Seeing as it was dinner time we had to sit in our allotted houses. During breakfast and lunch, you're allowed to sit at whichever table you choose however seeing as the entire school eats together for dinner, the rule is that you have to sit at your own table.

Just then I notice Enzo near the end of the table, sitting by himself like the loner he is.

Rolling my eyes I make my way over to him and slide into the seat across from him.

"Heyo stranger," I chirp grabbing a piece of chicken from his plate.

He looks up from the newspaper he was reading and smirks, "Hello Gorgeous," he replies referring to me by the name he oh so generously gave me before we became friends.

Swatting his arm I laugh and stack a bunch of food on my plate. "I swear, you have to stop calling me that! Someone might get the wrong idea!"

He takes a bite of his chicken still smirking, "please, I'd be doing you a favor if someone thought we were dating. I mean who wouldn't want to be dating me?"

I wrinkle my nose him, "honestly Enzo, the idea of you and me dating makes me want to vomit," I say honestly shivering at the idea.

Enzo gives a big laugh before pointing at me with his fork, "now that wasn't very Hufflepuffish of you."

I roll my eyes, "please, you're dating my best friends and are practically my brother. You plus me in a romantic relationship is never happening," I scoff and he gives a small laugh. Then I remember something I have to ask him. "Oh but the way, are you staying here over Winter Break? Cause my mom decided she wanted to go to the Bahamas but she could only get one ticket which is really just her way of indirectly telling me she doesn't want me there."

"Sorry, Gorgeous. Bonnie and I already have plans - I'm going to finally meet the parents. Well parent. Anyways I would invite you to join but um well, not sure if you'd want to come..." He trails off and immediately I understand what he's trying to vaguely convey. Because I assume that if all goes well then... Mental image out.

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