Not Exactly Twilight

537 21 2

Caroline POV:

Boys are stupid. Boys are annoying. But most of all boys are loud.

"Isn't there anything to do in the infernal room?!" Klaus all but shouts, obviously bored out of his mind.

Though Klaus had been entertained by his sketch pad for the first two hours or so, when he had finished his sketch (which he refused to show me for God only knows why) he quickly grew tired of doing nothing.

Quietly I snicker at him, trying to keep my attention focused on my book.

"What are you laughing at?" He sneers, and before I realize what's happening, he grabs the book out of my hands.

"Hey!" I protest, bolting upright, "give it back!"

Ignoring me, Klaus shuffles away and to my horror, starts reading aloud the page I was reading. "You pierce my soul. I am half agony, half hope. Tell me not that I am too late, that such precious feelings are gone for ever. I offer myself to you again with a heart even more your own than when you almost broke it, eight years and a half ago. Dare not say that man forgets sooner than woman, that his love has an earlier death. I have loved none but you." Klaus glances up at me with an almost teasing glint in his eyes, "what is this? Twilight?" He chuckles as I blush bright red.

"No it is not Twilight!" I hiss, crossing my arms, "now give me my book back!"

"And why should I do that love?" He asks amusedly, his attention returning to my book, his eyes skimming the pages.

"Because it's the nice and civilized thing to do?" I offer, slightly passive-aggressively.

He chuckles, and tears his eyes from the page, "well I never claimed to be either of those things, now did I love?"

"Whatever, just give me my book back!" I grumble, and make a swat for my book. Sadly Klaus easily evades the attack, raising the book high over his head.

"Ah ah ah! Not quiet yet," he all but crows, smiling that stupidly dimpled, boyish smile.

"Ugh what do you want?!" I growl, making another swipe for my book.

All of a sudden he sits back down on his sofa, making sure to retain a firm grip on my book. "Talk to me," he blurts out, "Come on get to know me!" I raise my eyebrows and am about to tell him to bugger-off and give me my book back but before I can say anything he adds, "I dare you."

I don't know what it is. Maybe it's his infamous puppy dog eyes. Maybe it's the smile that shows in both his face and his eyes. Or maybe, it's because deep down I know that I want to talk to him. Whatever the reason, I feel as if something is compelling me to say yes and I find that I just can't say no.

"Fine," I consent, sitting back down on my couch and crossing my arms at him, "Talk."

A slightly taken aback look takes root on Klaus' face but it is quickly replaced by a smirk, "alright tell me something about yourself," he pauses before adding, "what's your family life like?"

Resisting the urge to roll my eyes at him for the billionth time I reply in a bored, detached tone, "my mom's the sheriff of my hometown and well...I don't see very much of my father anymore."

Klaus nods, "ah yes. My sister did mention your mudbloo-" the word freezes on his lips, but I already know what he was going to say, "of your muggleborn status," he mutters even thought the damage is already done.

Swallowing, I glare at him, "go ahead say it,"  I challenge, "go ahead say mudblood." Shaking my head I give a humorless chuckle, "God I can't how stupid it was of me to believe we could have an actual conversation," ignoring the helpless and slightly hurt look in Klaus' eyes I continue, "I should have known you and the rest of your family were all the same heartless assholes who only care about themselves."

Immediately Klaus bolts upright, towering above my sitting form. His expression changes from regretful to dangerous in less
than a second. Slowly in a quiet but scary voice he whispers, "I would suggest to not speak about my family in the way," then he slowly leans downward and whispers in my ear, "or the results could be apocalyptic."

A shiver slowly runs down my spine. Pulling back slightly, I glare up at Klaus, not backing down. "And why the heck not?" I demand, "you just insulted me and my family. Why do you feel like you have the right to warn me- no to threaten me, against insulting yours?!"

He straightens, returning to his full height. Something akin to remorse shines across his handsome features, "I am truly sorry I insulted your family Caroline," he says curtly and without much emotion, "it was never my intention to and for that I am sorry. However," once again he leans down threateningly and says in that dangerous voice, "do not ever insult my family again."

Straightening again, he turns and sits back down in his couch.

And he doesn't speak to me again for a long time.

Klaus POV:

The problem with being trapped inside a room with only one other person is that once you and the person get into a fight, the entire situation triples in awkwardness.

At one point, it became so awkward that I briefly considered unsealing the room and allowing Caroline to leave. However I knew the second I used any magic, my brother Kol would cheat and use it to track me.

As Caroline continues to read her book that I had reluctantly returned, I am left with absolutely nothing to do besides sketch more.

Taking out my sketch pad, I flip to a blank page, and look around for something to draw.

"Ugh," I grunt, absolutely disgusted by the lack of inspiration this room provides me.

"What?!" Caroline snaps glaring at me as if I had somehow offended her.

"Nothing that concerns you love," I say sardonically, glancing up at her briefly.

Her eyes burn fiercely as she glares at me and her beautiful blonde hair up in such a way that it slightly reminds me of a halo, I find myself taken aback by her beauty.

Well it seems there is some inspiration in this room after all.

Hey guys! So I promised an update when we reached 50 total reads so here it is! Sorry it's so short and the writing kind of stinks- I didn't expect to reach 50 reads so soon so I kind of had to rush the writing a little bit.

Anyways our goal for this update is 75 total reads, 25 reads on any individual chapter and/or 7 votes on any individual chapter!

See you guys!

P.S. who else is ready for the new TVD?

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