Sociopaths Here, Sociopaths There, Sociopaths Everywhere!

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Caroline POV:

The problem with going to a magical school in a society where wizards don't usually mix with muggles all that much is that the wizards aren't exactly up to date with muggle technology. Meaning that Hogwarts doesn't exactly have wifi.

I wave my cellphone that I had gotten for my birthday frantically, trying to find even a small amount of cell reception, as to escape from this wretched room with the even more wretched roommate.

"What are you doing with that small black box, love?" Klaus asks, glancing up from his sketch for the first time in practically 30 minutes.

"I'll have you know, this "black box" costs over £550," I grumble, not even looking at him.

"Ah, a muggle contraption," he says amusedly with a mocking undertone, "and what per se, does this contraption do?"

"If you must know it allows you to communicate with people who also have phones," I say snippily, still waving my phone to get reception, "God, you think the Room of Requirement would provide cell service when you require it," I mutter.

"So these...cell thingys are basically portable owls?" Klaus asks sounding slightly impressed. Not waiting for my reply he says shaking his head, "muggles do invent the strangest things." He pauses, "do tell me why you are waving it like a mad women, love," he adds.

Finally giving up, I pocket my phone and walk back over to my sofa. "It doesn't matter," I mutter.

I had finished reading my book about 20 minutes ago and to my dismay, no other books happened to appear, leaving me with nothing to do.

"Well this is just dandy!" I complain out loud, "I am stuck in a sealed room with a sociopath with nothing to do and no cell reception. Yay for life!" I continue, aggravated.

"Ouch love, I really thought we had past the name calling stage in our relationship," Klaus joked charmingly, slightly caught off guard by Caroline's all of a sudden rude demeanor.

I sigh, "sorry," I mutter, not meaning to loose my temper at him. However, after a second I change my mind and instead say, "actually I'm not sorry. You are the one who refuses to let me leave this room, allow me to talk my mind and you don't even bother to show me what you're drawing even though you know it's slightly killing me inside. If that doesn't scream sociopath then I don't know what does," I declare defiantly, giving him my regular glare.

I don't really know what I expect. Definitely not a heartfelt apology where we both spill our souls and become best friends forever. Maybe just a simple, "I'm sorry," with an apologetic look would suffice. But I didn't expect him to find humor in it.

He gives a small chuckles, a large grin on his face.

I clench my hands, "it is not, funny," I scold, still glaring at him.

Continuing to laugh he stammers, "I, I know, I know." He gives another chuckle and I also feel steam coming out of my ears.

He is so infuriating! I think to myself.

"Then stop laughing," I say, slightly offended by his lack of caring. Klaus opens his mouth to say something (most likely an idiotic something) but wisely closes it and instead he tries very hard to compose himself. After obvious struggle he manages to stop laughing but he still has that stupidly attractive smile on his face and his eyes seem to be dancing with humor.

"You know I think that's the first time anyone has dared to call me a sociopath," he muses, still smiling.

"Maybe to your face," I mutter under my breath. Once again Klaus chokes on a laugh, his face lit up with something akin to happiness.

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