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MAIA SAT IN front of the computer with a bright smile on her face. It had been so long since she had seen her parents' faces across the screen, and even longer since she had seen their faces in person. She missed her parents more than anything in the world, and she knew they missed her as well, but she also knew the next time they saw each other, their family would be whole. No, Maia's parents definitely weren't crazy about her mission extension. Because of her job, they hadn't seen her in the better part of two years, and the mission extension would only lengthen it an extra two, but if it meant that she was headed back to Mars to get Mark, they couldn't exactly object. All they wanted was both of their children back on Earth safe and sound.

"We really do miss you, sweetie," Maia's mother spoke sadly.

"I know, mom," she replied. "I'll be home soon, though, I promise."

"You better be," Maia's dad scoffed. "Are you gonna bring that doctor home with you? What was his name again?"

Maia's cheeks burned at the mere mention of Beck. There were just so many feelings associated with him now, so much more than there had originally been, and Maia was still unsure about how to handle them. All she knew was that her feelings for Beck were much stronger than they had been. Maia loved him more than anything, and that was something she hoped would never ever change. "Beck, his name is Christopher Beck, dad," she chuckled.

"Sure sounds like the name for a doctor," her dad teased.

Maia could only laugh in response.

"Where is he, by chance?" her mom asked her.

Maia pursed her lips and looked at the time on the computer's clock. It was nearing noon, which meant that Commander Lewis, Martinez, and Beck were getting ready for the retrieval of the supplies that would keep the Ares III crew alive for the next year and a half, or so that was what she hoped. She still hadn't forgotten about the conversation she and Johanssen had with the crew, as well as the small argument with Johanssen that had taken place after that particular conversation.

"He is prepping for the retrieval of the supplies from the Taiyang Shen," Maia informed her curious mother.

Her dad noticed the slight change in her facial expression and his brows furrowed in question. He wondered what was on her mind. "What's on your mind, ladybug? You seem a bit upset about something."

A sigh escaped Maia's lips and she looked down at her intertwined hands. One thing she hated was that her dad still knew her better than anyone, even though they were light years apart. "I just—I want you guys to know that whatever happens, I'm gonna make it back home, even if the probe fails. Mark and I will see you guys again, that much I'm sure of."

"Then why do you sound so upset because of it, honey?" her mom asked worriedly.

"The crew has this plan," Maia frowned.

Her dad's eyes narrowed in slight skepticism. "What kind of plan?"

Maia looked back up at her parents. "There was this meeting, okay? It was a meeting to determine who would survive if everything went wrong. At first Commander Lewis picked Johanssen, but then Johanssen cornered me after the meeting and told me she wanted it to be me. She said she didn't want Mark to lose his sister after everything that had already happened. Johanssen and I are also the same size, which means we need less food, and we share the same skillset needed in order to get back home safely, so I guess there's that choosing factor, too."


"It'll be seventeen months before I get back home, yet at the moment there's only enough food to last me and Mark three months," Maia breathed out. "I'm sure the two of us could ration it to six, but. . ."

Maia's mom shook her head in disbelief. "If the probe fails and you and Mark are only left with six months worth of food, how will—how will that work?"

"Let's just say that the supplies won't be the only source of food, mom," Maia spoke quietly.

Maia watched as her mom's eyes widened in realization, and without another word, her mom got up from her seat and walked away. Maia sighed and looked to her dad, who was only shaking his head at the sound of his daughter's words.

"From techno-geek, to astronaut, to cannibal," her father tsked. "I thought I raised you better than that, Maia Watney."

Maia groaned and ran a hand over her face. She knew her dad was only kidding around with her, but she couldn't help but feel uncomfortable when thinking about the situation. She just prayed for her sake and the crew's sake that everything would be okay. Maia couldn't even begin to imagine the emotional stress she would be forced to endure if it came time to choose what crew member she would be having for dinner. The mere thought of it made her feel sick to her stomach.

"Why don't I let you go and see if your mom's alright?"

Maia nodded and ran her fingers through her hair. "I should probably go anyway to see how the launch is doing," she told him.

Her dad nodded in understanding, and a small smile lit up his face as he looked at his daughter. "I love you, Maia. Be careful out there in space, kid, okay?"

"I will, dad," Maia smiled, "I love you."

"Tell that Doctor Beck of yours that I said hello," he added with a smirk.

Maia laughed. "Will do. I'll talk to you soon, okay?"

Her dad only smiled and nodded, and Maia quickly disconnected the call. She let out a sigh and stood up from her chair, crossing her arms over her chest as she strolled over to the window to check on things.

Maia could see the glowing blue of Earth's atmosphere from her spot at the rec-room window, as well as the capsule emerging from that atmosphere. Her green eyes followed the capsule back to the Hermes, where she found Beck clad in his EVA suit waiting for it.

Beck turned to look at Maia, his eyes brightening ever so slightly as he did so. He couldn't wait to get back inside the ship and wrap her in his arms the way he loved to do. He didn't think he'd be able to stand the next several months aboard the Hermes if he didn't have her, but he did have her, and he had never been so thankful because of it in his life.

A smile lit up Maia's face as Beck waved at her, and she uncrossed her arms in order to deliver a wave back to him before he disappeared from sight altogether. It wasn't long until the beautiful glow of the Earth's atmosphere grew farther and farther away from the Hermes. Their next stop: the Red Planet.

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