Luke- Strep Throat Part One

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Luke woke up feeling like hell. His throat was really sore and he was sure he had a fever. All he wanted to do was stay in bed and sleep the week away, but he was well aware of the busy day ahead of him.And it seemed that Ashton remembered too. 

"Luke, come on it's time to get up. We have to be at the interview in an hour." Came his calls from outside Luke's door. Groaning to himself Luke dragged himself to the bathroom and proceeded to splash his face with cold water in an attempt to bring down his fever along with waking himself up more.  He looked in the mirror and noticed he looked really pale, his sweaty fringe stuck to his even sweatier forehead. He also took this opportunity to check his throat, it was an angry red colour and his tonsils were covered in horrid white lumps. 

"Luke, hurry up" came Ashton's voice once again. 

"Coming" Luke managed to croak out. He opened the door and walked straight into the rest of the boys. He must have looked awful as all the boys suddenly looked concerned. 

"Luke, oh my gosh are you okay?" Michael was the first to recover from his surprise over Luke's very ill appearance. By now Luke could feel his throat closing up, and he was finding it hard to swallow his own spit. A single tear slipped from his eye as he shook his head no. 

"Come on you, let's get you back to bed. Michael call and let management know we can't mke anything today and let them know about Luke's condition. Calumn, you get a thermometer, water and medicine, I'll get Luke back to bed."

Once everyone had their jobs they quickly got to it. Ashton sat and consoled a sobbing Luke while they waited for the medicine, not that they waited long. They were soon taking Luke's temperature and found that it was 39.8, much higher and they would be making a trip to the hospital. 

As soon as they were able to persuade Luke to take his medicine he fell asleep. Michael also walked in and told them that Management were going to rearrange everything, and that they hoped Luke got better soon.  As did all the boys. 

*Authors Note*

This one-shot is for StaceyStonier. I hope you like it so far and that it is what you wanted. :)x

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