Chapter-1- In which we wonder how.

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" Two servings of extra spicy chicken" said Lisa as she plonked the hot plate on the table, raising her hand with a flourish in a mock bow.

" enjoy " she said with a side smirk as she grabbed the cloth off her shoulder and started to wipe the counter.

Sam curled her feet beneath her and leaned forward to breath in the familiar scent, and with a grin dove in.

" Soooo, made any friends yet" Lisa drawled.

Sam just kept nibbling at the chicken, avoiding Lisa's unescapable stare.

" Oh come on Sammy !" Lisa exclaimed with a pained expression as she came to sit opposite her.

" Sorry Lisa, I just... well I don't know" Sam replied , seeming to sink lower into her seat.

" Come on you have a brilliant personality , and there is no excuse either , you must have at least tried to fit in by now "

As hard it was to admit , Lisa was right. Sam had been at Westvale High for at least a month now, Sam's attempts - if you could even call them that- to make friends and fit in had been painfully half-hearted and had consisted of staying in her room watching movies in her free time and sitting alone at lunch.
It wasn't that Sam had an intense phobia of people , or that she had a previously painful friendship and afterwards vowed to never speak to anyone everyone again. She just found it hard, from her month of staying there she had come to the conclusion that all the girls at Westvale High were either extremely stuck up , extremely mean or both. Don't even get started on the boys, they weren't even worth it.

So Sam had come to the ultimatum that rather than go through the extremely painful experience of trying to fit in- almost equivalent to pulling her toenails out- Sam would rather spend the rest of her school life alone, and blissfully too.

" Sam ?" Lisa said with a frown.

" yeah?"

" Isn't your curfew at eight o'clock?" she said , alarm creeping into her voice.

" yeah what about it ?" Sam replied.

Sam was almost knocked out by the thrusting of Lisa's hand into her face and she held it still long enough for her to see the time.

" Damn it !!" Sam exclaimed stuffing the last piece of chicken in her mouth and fumbling to get her bag from the floor and around her shoulder. With a yelled goodbye she raced out of the chicken shop to the nearest bus stop, if she could catch a bus she would get back to the dorms just in time for curfew.

Damn it was cold she thought as she stuffed her hands into her grey hoodie's pockets. As she saw the bus's lights approaching she dove into her bag in search of her bus pass. She searched past receipts and old bottles of hand sanitizers and wondered where the hell it went.

Oh no, she thought as the bus came to a stop in front of her.

she could see it painfully now , the familiar blue card on her desk where she left it this morning. She begrudgingly waved for the bus to go without her and pushed her bag round to her back , internally screaming as she prepared for her least favourite form of exercise.

she started jogging down the road her white trainers slapping the pavement and legs pumping in her blue jeans. she cursed herself for not bringing a hairband, she was long due a haircut and it whipped her face painfully. thankfully it didn't last for long and she prayed a little prayer as the wind changed as she turned the corner, sending her hair flying past her shoulders.

What was it that they said about the punishment for missing curfew?

She racked her oxygen deprived brain as best she could , trying to remember a particular start of year assembly where they addressed the issue.

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