Chapter- 3- In which we wonder what the hell?

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Staying up late to read till your eyes feel like sandpaper, is all well and good, until you have to emerge into the world the next morning.

All while trying to jungle several books and at least look semi-human.

Sam managed to shuffle into the classroom without fainting and made her way to her desk at the back. Dodging paper balls and spiky hair flicks she managed to get to her seat blissfully undisturbed and undetected.
She dived into her bag and took out her earphones, put on some music and used her bag as a pillow on her desk.
Unfortunately, a couple moments later she felt someone tap on her shoulder.
Annoyed already and ungluing her eyelids she raised her head groggily to see who had disturbed her.

Sam just had to glance at them to know that this upcoming conversation was going to be a painful one. And a small pit of uncertainty settled in her stomach.

Three annoyingly pristine girls stood before her, all with matching glossy hair, dewy skin and intricate French manicures.

Sam wondered whether they allways walked in that triangle shape and how long it took them to get it right....

The first girl stepped slightly forward.

" You're Samantha right? " she said, what was obviously a fake smile played on her lips.

" it's Sam" she answered with gritted teeth, nothing annoyed her like someone using the wrong name.

The girl raised her shaped eyebrows.
" Well, Sam. My name is Andrea
And this is Louise And Bianca Do you mind stepping outside?"
Sam drew herself up and leaned backwards on her chair and tried to ignore the evident drop of volume in the room.

" Sorry, Can't you just say it now? " Sam answered, rocking back notcholantly on her chair.

" If you insist " she answered, her fake smile now replaced by a more realistic scowl.

Andrea, a girl who looked like a cross between a barbie and a doll, leaned forward and placed her palms on Sams desk, as she was closer Sam inspected her and came to the conclusion that her face was pretty enough but her suffocatingly large ringlets of chocolate hair crowded her face and fell in hair-sprayed clumps. She spoke in a low hiss.

" Well...its just that we think you should stick to being on your own, it's plainly obvious that it's where you belong " she said.

Sam was confused, what had she done now?

" What do you mean?" she asked, her impatience growing as was her separation from a few moments shut-eye.

" You should stick to sitting alone " an Asian girl said, Sam guessed her to be Bianca,
Twirling her finger around one of the locks of her slick bob, and, rather unatractively, slapping her jaws together as she chewed gum.

Sam watched, trying to hide her disgust as she watched the white blob travel around her,rather large mouth.

The other girl rolled her eyes,

" she's trying to say that you should stay away from them, members of trilogy are out of your league, expecially Clark " the third girl said, by process of elimination, this had to be Louise. Louise looked normal enough, She bore a carefree expression but Sam could see there was more to her, her eyes were always darting around the room, sizing everything up. She must be the brains.

Sam had no idea who, or what the 'trilogy ' was, nor did she want to. But the still understood what she meant all the same.

Sam leaned forward and addressed the group. She hadn't meant for her first reply to be so sassy. but she was beyond caring. They deserved it.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2017 ⏰

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